Prep Club for GRE

Kudos owned by the user

GreenlightTestPrep owns 12309 Kudos, gave away 136 Kudos.

CarcassRe: During a sales contest at a local electronics store, 65 empl06-Dec-2022
pattypatRe: Probability of selecting a car with both A and Power window05-Dec-2022
ErfanRe: n is a positive integer. The remainder when 5n is divided by04-Dec-2022
ErfanRe: (x^y) * (x^2)=x^604-Dec-2022
CarcassRe: New cars leave a car factory in a repeating pattern of red,03-Dec-2022
MannVoraRe: 10 teams (A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I and J) participate03-Dec-2022
imgascanRe: The table shows partial results of a survey in which consume01-Dec-2022
imgascanRe: Each week, Sharon earns 2% of the first $2,500 she sells and01-Dec-2022
ErfanRe: The probability that independent events C and D will both occur is 0.101-Dec-2022
Ayushi0212Re: Which of the following integers is NOT a divisor of x if x = (21)(3^7)01-Dec-2022
imgascanRe: If the perimeter of a semi-circle is 4π + 8, what is the area of the s29-Nov-2022
CarcassRe: One side of a parking stall is defined by a straight stripe28-Nov-2022
pattypatThe difference between the greatest and least possible value26-Nov-2022
pattypatRe: GRE Math Challenge #8- a, b and c are multiple of 1526-Nov-2022
dpraj13mpcRe: If [m]-2 < x \leq {5}[/m], then which of the following MUST25-Nov-2022
rashmirao13Re: A group of students took an exam that was scored from 0 to 124-Nov-2022
MattM715Re: The equation x + y = xy = x/y has how many23-Nov-2022
charithaiddumRe: x and y are integers greater than 5. x is y percent of x^223-Nov-2022
charithaidduma + d – c – 9023-Nov-2022
charithaiddumRe: x(4 – x)22-Nov-2022
charithaiddumRe: In the figure below, If the area of triangle CDE is 42, what22-Nov-2022
charithaiddumRe: Co-ordinate Geometry - QC Hard22-Nov-2022
charithaiddumRe: If points A and B are randomly placed on the circumference o22-Nov-2022
charithaiddumIf 0 < y < x, then which of the following22-Nov-2022
charithaiddumThe two lines are tangent to the circle.21-Nov-2022
charithaiddumRe: In the rectangular coordinate system, segment OP is rotated21-Nov-2022
charithaiddumIn the semicircle above, the length of arc AC is equal to t21-Nov-2022
papsychrogmailcomRe: Rachel and Rob live 190 miles apart. They both drive in a st19-Nov-2022
pattypatRe: Machine X and machine Y are the only two machines used19-Nov-2022
Idhwoeh8Re: Probability of selecting a car with both A and Power window18-Nov-2022

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