| Giver | Post | Date |
| wolverine1994 | Re: |x-2| > 3 | 18-Jun-2022 |
| swaran18999 | Re: x is a non-negative number and the square root of (10 – 3x) | 13-Jun-2022 |
| ssalam | Re: By what percent did the number of vehicles stolen decrease f | 06-Jun-2022 |
| devjyoti1998 | Re: The sum of the multiples of 4 less than 100 or The sum of | 30-May-2022 |
| PUJAYANTKUMAR | Re: If the average (arithmetic mean) of 6, 8, 10, and x is betw | 24-May-2022 |
| DPan | Re: A steel bar 135 inches long will be cut into a num | 24-May-2022 |
| Sb07 | Re: If the average (arithmetic mean) of 6, 8, 10, and x is betw | 21-May-2022 |
| AjinkyaGupta88 | Re: |x-2| > 3 | 17-May-2022 |
| itsmidhat | Re: Which is greater: 10^7 or 7^10? | 16-May-2022 |
| YashZ | Re: If n is a two-digit number, in which n = x^y. If x + y < 8, | 16-May-2022 |
| sushma1111 | Re: The average (arithmetic mean) high temperature for x days i | 10-May-2022 |
| rramamoo | Re: Which is greater? | 12-Apr-2022 |
| rramamoo | Re: Which is greater? | 12-Apr-2022 |
| NickOP | Re: Which is greater: 641713*451222 or 897189*318977? | 11-Apr-2022 |
| Swathi9109 | Re: In their landmark study of Victorian literature's re | 07-Apr-2022 |
| XavierAlexander | Re: The third side of an isosceles triangle with sides of 3 | 13-Mar-2022 |
| ph1234 | Re: -21/2*m/2 | 01-Mar-2022 |
| alschwab | Re: Working alone, pump A can empty a pool in 3 hours. Working a | 21-Feb-2022 |
| neerajam | A hunting lodge has enough fuel to keep 20 rooms heated for | 16-Feb-2022 |
| IRDI | Re: The stiffness of a diving board is proportional to the cube | 11-Feb-2022 |
| reynolds | Re: The random variable x has the following continuous probabil | 01-Feb-2022 |
| XavierAlexander | Re: At the beginning of each year Jane puts $2,000 in | 01-Feb-2022 |
| AJBLASTER | Re: For how many of the years shown did the ratings for Program | 26-Jan-2022 |
| Penod1z | Re: How many diagonals does a regular 20-sided polygon have? | 22-Jan-2022 |
| bjkang188 | Re: The stiffness of a diving board is proportional to the cube | 22-Dec-2021 |
| drkarish22 | Re: A “descending number” is a three-digit number, such that the | 15-Dec-2021 |
| drkarish22 | Re: b, c, and d are consecutive even integers such that 2 < b < | 14-Dec-2021 |
| mariagas | Pump A can empty a pool in A minutes, and pump B can empty | 08-Dec-2021 |
| Andrew2f | Re: The average (arithmetic mean) of a and b is 10, and the ave | 05-Dec-2021 |
| XavierAlexander | Re: A particular rent price increased x % from 2003 to 2004. T | 05-Dec-2021 |