Prep Club for GRE

Kudos owned by the user

Olasunbo owns 108 Kudos, gave away 7 Kudos.

defender007Re: p is the probability that a school’s hockey team wins today.12-Jul-2024
roxmellisaRe: The English chose North America for colonization not07-Jun-2023
Nayem117Re: Body Mass Index (BMI) is calculated by the formula29-May-2023
pinkyganatraRe: Rolling a four-sided dice, what is the probability of roll..01-Oct-2022
MgrbeRe: If b equals 10% of a and c equals 20% of b, then which one o03-Sep-2022
mbhalla11Re: An electronics store sells two brands of C batteries at $3.018-May-2022
ishanwaliaRe: Working together at their respective constant rates, robot A09-Mar-2022
volcanictempest78Re: Juliana has three options to invest her money for one year.02-Mar-2022
RIFAT2000Re: A circle with center C has a radius of 6. Review, The Princ25-Jan-2022
mushafRe: Pandas are rapidly disappearing from the wild. Therefore, in10-Sep-2021
jsmith97Re: A jar contains 30 red marbles, 40 blue marbles, 50 green mar09-Aug-2021
aniruddha23Re: An electronics store sells two brands of C batteries at $3.027-Jul-2021
aniruddha23Re: 1/x^3,1/x^2,1/x,x,x^2,x^322-Jul-2021
MarceloFarrRe: An electronics store sells two brands of C batteries at $3.020-Jul-2021
ayanpinjaraRe: The legislators of 1563 realized the (i) ___ of trying to re08-Jul-2021
aniruddha23Re: Historian Carlo Botta often contradicted himself, as when he04-Jul-2021
aniruddha23Re: The accounts, even of the best of ancient writers, shoul04-Jul-2021
aniruddha23Re: In the rectangular solid above, points A, B, C, and D are ve01-Jul-2021
aniruddha23Re: Dramatic literature often (i) __ the history of a culture in11-Jun-2021
aniruddha23Re: The slope of line m11-Jun-2021
aniruddha23Re: Advisors warned the congressman to communicate directly and02-Jun-2021
Divu1112Re: For the equation shown above, what is the value of x ?31-May-2021
ucheniaharshitaRe: Juliana has three options to invest her money for one year.25-Apr-2021
CarcassRe: The code for a particular combination lock can only include26-Feb-2021
NelliRe: The only items on a shelf are 8 green bins and 4 orange bins08-Feb-2021
AjanthaJRe: At 12:00, noon, a pool is full. It is being filled at a cons22-Jan-2021
aniruddha23Re: Our ancestors developed massive jaws as a result of const17-Jan-2021
PriyadarahinivRe: The accounts, even of the best of ancient writers, shoul02-Dec-2020
DFXRRe: For the equation shown above, what is the value of x ?20-Nov-2020
CarcassRe: Body Mass Index (BMI) is calculated by the formula19-Nov-2020

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