Prep Club for GRE

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motion2020 owns 379 Kudos, gave away 64 Kudos.

superpower101How many diagonals are in a figure enclosed into the regular polygon26-Sep-2022
rashmirao13At a college, 100 seniors play any of the three games ...03-Sep-2022
alschwabCompany employees are placed on at least one team.24-Aug-2022
mrjelloCompany employees are placed on at least one team.24-Aug-2022
mrjelloAt a college, 100 seniors play any of the three games ...24-Aug-2022
KC15The integers x and (x - 1) are not divisible by 4.10-Aug-2022
r1smithRe: At a certain cafe, there are at least two tables, and there are31-Jul-2022
Vidisha2511What is the resultant interquartile range for a set of unique positive05-Jun-2022
Muskan2790Function f(x) is defined as f(x)=1! + 2! + 3! + ...04-Jun-2022
KarkiRe: Parallelogram ABCD lies in the xy plane27-May-2022
GreKing32Re: b v/s 325-May-2022
GreKing32Re: f(x) = |x 2| + |2.5 x| + |3.6 x|23-May-2022
Neha1930Set A has consecutive integers from 1 to n20-May-2022
nataliavagenaWhen will the standard deviation of the set of numbers will change?05-Apr-2022
reaPerCircle O passes through points (9, 2√3), (7, 0), and (11, 0)18-Mar-2022
slate501Function f(x) is defined as f(x)=1! + 2! + 3! + ...13-Mar-2022
chris123John is biking for his trip ...26-Feb-2022
YashZWhich of the following is equivalent to26-Jan-2022
superpower101At the start of an experiment, a population consisted of x organisms.07-Jan-2022
Evans97If n is a positive integer and n^2 is divisible by 72, then02-Jan-2022
XavierAlexanderRe: How many diagonals are there in an octagon?24-Dec-2021
sas24At the start of an experiment, a population consisted of x organisms.20-Dec-2021
saptadas1809x^2 − 11x + |p| = 0, where x is a variable and p is a constant, has 217-Dec-2021
aminneffEqually spaced positive integers with a variance \sigma^208-Dec-2021
revant19At a certain car dealership, the probability of selecting ...04-Dec-2021
GreAspirant83Re: In a class of n students, certain number of badges were distributed.03-Dec-2021
CarcassRe: At a certain cafe, there are at least two tables, and there are01-Dec-2021
GreAspirant83In the figure shown above, line segment BC has length 16 cm, rectangle29-Nov-2021
GreAspirant83In a right triangle ABC, the measure of angle DCB is 30 degrees29-Nov-2021
GreAspirant83Radius of a cylinder on the picture (not drawn to scale)29-Nov-2021

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