Prep Club for GRE

Kudos owned by the user

revengeoftheluddites owns 14 Kudos, gave away 0 Kudos.

poyapRe: QOTD#22 The following charts represent April 2008 plant sale24-Oct-2021
Ayushi77Re: QOTD#22 The following charts represent April 2008 plant sale20-Oct-2021
assefahiwot8Re: For each integer n > 1, let A(n) denote the sum18-Aug-2020
jwinnieRe: For each integer n > 1, let A(n) denote the sum24-Apr-2020
PinkyPolkaRe: QOTD#22 The following charts represent April 2008 plant sale22-Nov-2019
PinkyPolkaRe: QOTD#19 Evaluate the fraction21-Nov-2019
NelliRe: A certain integer n05-Nov-2019
AlaminMollaRe: QOTD#22 The following charts represent April 2008 plant sale09-Jul-2019
IlCreatoreRe: A certain integer n29-Sep-2017
CarcassRe: If 5 < x < 10 and y = x + 521-Dec-2016
CarcassRe: A certain integer n20-Dec-2016
CarcassRe: QOTD#8 The first term in a certain sequence is 1, the 2nd16-Dec-2016
sandyRe: GRE Math Challenge #86- A box contains 20 marbles all of16-Dec-2016

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