Prep Club for GRE

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sandy owns 11025 Kudos, gave away 394 Kudos.

IshanPathakThe most striking thing about the politician02-Jan-2022
IshanPathakUnenlightened authoritarian managers rarely recognize02-Jan-2022
XavierAlexanderQOTD#9 In a factory, machine A operates on a cycle of 2002-Jan-2022
XavierAlexanderDBC is an equilateral triangle/ ABD is an isosceles triangle02-Jan-2022
MahsinHasanAsifRe: Question 18: In the figure above, A and b are the centers of01-Jan-2022
zahidfahimRe: Which of the following values times 12 is not a multiple of01-Jan-2022
ankitpachurkarRe: The coastline of the region plays home predominantly to a31-Dec-2021
ankitpachurkarRe: Truly understanding literary theory requires a greater31-Dec-2021
muslimahRe: A certain identification code is a list of five symbols: S1S31-Dec-2021
AppKX is the set of all integers n that satisfy30-Dec-2021
tingtingA certain city has a chance of rain occurring on any given d30-Dec-2021
royaRe: QOTD #8 When the decimal point of a certain positive decimal30-Dec-2021
PradyumnaRe: help me figure out the question29-Dec-2021
lockstocknbarrelThe most striking thing about the politician29-Dec-2021
superpower101Mary has six more tapes than Pedro. If Pedro gives two tapes28-Dec-2021
mayuresh1998Re: A random variable Y is normally distributed with a mean of 228-Dec-2021
ojygyaThere are no other contemporary novelists whose works28-Dec-2021
XavierAlexanderThe range of the heights of the female students in a certain28-Dec-2021
XavierAlexanderMary paid for a book was equal to the price of the book plus28-Dec-2021
eeeqwerRe: What is the remainder when 13^17 + 17^13 is divided by 10?28-Dec-2021
MahsinHasanAsifRe: Unlike the problems in recent financial scandals, issues28-Dec-2021
MahsinHasanAsifRe: regarding taxes could affect trade between the two countries28-Dec-2021
XavierAlexanderIf |z| < 1, which of the following statements must be true28-Dec-2021
XavierAlexanderSet A has 50 members and set B has 53 members. At least 2 of28-Dec-2021
Todoroki60A certain vent releases steam every 20 minutes. If the vent28-Dec-2021
Todoroki60The sequence of numbers S={s1,s2,s3…} is defined by s1 = 2,28-Dec-2021
Todoroki60Mary is building a pyramid out of stacked rows of soup cans.28-Dec-2021
superpower101Working together at their respective constant rates, robot A28-Dec-2021
richa2606Veeder claims that the very notion of the existence of27-Dec-2021
nazmulhasandufaculty combined, 1/3 of the female and 2/9 of the male27-Dec-2021

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