Prep Club for GRE

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sandy owns 11320 Kudos, gave away 0 Kudos.

Nikzy11Peculiarly enough, Shakespeare has been often (i) ______ as10-Oct-2021
Nikzy11The actress was desperate to (i) ___________ the part in the10-Oct-2021
nsa36No other contemporary poet’s work has such a well-earned rep10-Oct-2021
mdemterm after the first term is equal to the preceding term10-Oct-2021
mdemMary paid for a book was equal to the price of the book plus10-Oct-2021
ayulzarithe population of Colorado was approximately half10-Oct-2021
yashwanth3494Re: Just as reminiscences of a childhood spent in rural Mexico09-Oct-2021
yashwanth3494Just as reminiscences of a childhood spent in rural Mexico09-Oct-2021
yashwanth3494Text Completion #Q67-MacCrory’s conversation was _____09-Oct-2021
Mahedi12322Marisol is twice as old as Vikram. Eight years ago, Marisol09-Oct-2021
Mahedi12322Dwayne planted 70 acres with two types of beans: navy and pi09-Oct-2021
Mahedi12322Lou has three daughters: Wen, Mildred, and Tyla. Three years09-Oct-2021
Mahedi12322A rectangular public park has an area of 3,600 square feet.09-Oct-2021
Mahedi12322The yoga company Yoga for Life offers 45-minute classes at09-Oct-2021
MKaladiFor her Halloween display, Margaret plans to arrange a row09-Oct-2021
snigdha04Text Completion #Q68-whole-language philosophy of teaching09-Oct-2021
gaurav007QOTD#6 An isosceles triangle has a perimeter of 28.09-Oct-2021
ScarecrowAnimal signals, such as the complex songs of birds09-Oct-2021
lexiisuazo6 < x < 708-Oct-2021
yashwanth3494Video game enthusiasts know that, while the astounding08-Oct-2021
Mahedi12322What is the value of08-Oct-2021
XavierAlexanderOil, vinegar, and water are mixed in a 3 to 2 to 1 ratio to08-Oct-2021
MeghatyagiRe: What is the least integer n such that08-Oct-2021
mdemQOTD #8 When the decimal point of a certain positive decimal08-Oct-2021
snigdha04The editorial, though intended to ____(i)____ the current08-Oct-2021
snigdha04The most striking thing about the politician08-Oct-2021
shubhankarsapaJane has a 40-ounce mixture of apple juice and seltzer that08-Oct-2021
Shruthika97Re: If x and y are integers and x = 50y + 69, which of the follo08-Oct-2021
lucylu123Geoff is setting up an aquarium and must choose 4 of 6 diffe07-Oct-2021
Mahedi12322abc is a three-digit number in which a is the hundreds digit07-Oct-2021

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