Prep Club for GRE

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DeliciaFernandesRe: If a<b<c<d<e< 110 and the average (arithmetic mean) of a, b,11-Sep-2021
SumitaKapoor0867Text Completion #Q68-whole-language philosophy of teaching11-Sep-2021
abudhirajaQOTD#9 In a factory, machine A operates on a cycle of 2011-Sep-2021
mouthThe ratio of cheese to sauce for a single pizza is 1 cup to11-Sep-2021
abudhiraja0.b represents the decimal in which the digit b is repeated10-Sep-2021
karankumbhaniThe random variable X is normally distributed10-Sep-2021
18bhavIn the United States between 1850 and 1880, the number10-Sep-2021
deonjamyThe Renaissance, Dutch masters, Impressionists, and Cubist10-Sep-2021
18bhavUnited States and the Soviet Union in terms of crop yields10-Sep-2021
saadRe: If g(x) = , for which of the following x values is g(x) unde10-Sep-2021
Amada90The average (arithmetic mean) of 13 numbers is 70. If the av10-Sep-2021
chirag95QOTD#13 The figure above shows the standard normal10-Sep-2021
chirag95QOTD#12 x, y, and z are the lengths of the sides of a triang10-Sep-2021
atmfaisalRe: In the first half of last year, a team won 60 percent of the10-Sep-2021
lucifer6251Three numbers have a range of 2 and a median of 4.4.10-Sep-2021
lucifer6251Sn = 3n + 3 Sequence S is defined for each integer n such th10-Sep-2021
lucifer6251Dataset A consists of 5 numbers, which have an average (arit10-Sep-2021
lucifer6251Four people have an average (arithmetic mean) age of 18, and10-Sep-2021
lucifer6251The bar graph below displays the number of temperature readi10-Sep-2021
DreamerSam invests a principal of $10,000, which earns interest ove10-Sep-2021
siddheshgoreRe: In City X, the range of the daily low temperatures during Ju10-Sep-2021
DreamerThe units digit of 7^2910-Sep-2021
DreamerLet the “par” of a rectangle be defined as one half the area10-Sep-2021
omkar0396Re: Proponents of climate change theory have lamented the steady09-Sep-2021
DreamerIf q is even, then #q = –2; If q is odd, then #q = –4. a and09-Sep-2021
jesus1821Re: One person is to be selected at random from a group of 25 pe09-Sep-2021
TheMariaNa is directly proportional to b. If a = 8 when b = 2, what09-Sep-2021
saju09iRe: 9 changes in the value of imports between consecutive09-Sep-2021
Premkk91Re: Ironically, the commentator who so roundly condemned persona09-Sep-2021
lucifer6251If m pencils cost the same as n pens, and each pencil costs09-Sep-2021

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