Prep Club for GRE

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sandy owns 11320 Kudos, gave away 0 Kudos.

lucifer6251The price of an item after five consecutive 10% discounts ar06-Sep-2021
lucifer6251Roselba’s annual income exceeds twice Jane’s annual income a06-Sep-2021
lucifer625150 as a percent of 3006-Sep-2021
abudhirajaIn a certain medical group, Dr. Schwartz schedules06-Sep-2021
deonjamyIt would have been disingenuous of the candidate to appear06-Sep-2021
abudhirajan is a positive integer, x = 7n + 2, and y = 6n + 3.05-Sep-2021
Rutvishah1107The judge’s keen eye for sussing out the pretension of the05-Sep-2021
Rutvishah1107Even from a distance, the man could see that the tornado had05-Sep-2021
Rutvishah1107The player’s exploits both on the field and in the finest05-Sep-2021
skttrbrain(y – 1)(y + 5) = 005-Sep-2021
Rutvishah1107During the mating season, mammals of many species may lie05-Sep-2021
gre29979245Re: A makes up 8 percent of solution R and 18 percent05-Sep-2021
arjunbirGRE Math Challenge #14 - 72.42= k(24 + n/100)05-Sep-2021
vishnukaviliRe: Each of the CD players sold by Store S last month was sold a05-Sep-2021
deonjamyOne liberal activist asserts that politicians’ tendency to05-Sep-2021
aadityatiwari23Re: For each integer n > 1, let A(n) denote the sum05-Sep-2021
vishnukaviliRe: In 1998 the amount of household financial assets in mutual f05-Sep-2021
badgeMBAGRE Math Challenge #35-Ms. Smith got an 8 percent05-Sep-2021
badgeMBAGRE Math Challenge #128- 100x<y 1000x < 2y05-Sep-2021
badgeMBASet A has 50 members and set B has 53 members. At least 2 of05-Sep-2021
badgeMBAQOTD #8 When the decimal point of a certain positive decimal05-Sep-2021
chirag95x > y xy 005-Sep-2021
chirag95If x ≠ 2 and = 17, what is the value of x?05-Sep-2021
Nikzy11The peanut is often (i) _________ referred to as a nut; (ii)05-Sep-2021
chirag95x2 – 2x = 005-Sep-2021
chirag95Re: xy > 005-Sep-2021
chirag95a ≠ b05-Sep-2021
diananadimRe: How many of the six corporate sectors listed each contribute05-Sep-2021
diananadimRe: From 1988 to 1991, which corporate sector decreased its supp05-Sep-2021
diananadimRe: If a<b<c<d<e< 110 and the average (arithmetic mean) of a, b,05-Sep-2021

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