Prep Club for GRE

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sandy owns 11320 Kudos, gave away 0 Kudos.

Andz13A circle is inscribed in a square with sides of length 509-May-2021
saSaimonBdIf the lengths of two sides of a triangle are 5 and 9,09-May-2021
Andz13Re: the degree measure of the central angle of the sector09-May-2021
Andz13The sum of the odd/even integers09-May-2021
Andz13Re: Mary paid for a book was equal to the price of the book plus09-May-2021
amarocky3388The king’s attendants insisted that he’d never made a bad09-May-2021
godxyzThe sequence of numbers S={s1,s2,s3…} is defined by s1 = 2,09-May-2021
yoshita94guptaThe sequence of numbers S={s1,s2,s3…} is defined by s1 = 2,09-May-2021
elchinRe: After the US Civil War, “carpetbaggers”—so-called because09-May-2021
enduranceThe quotient of x and y is 2. If x is 75% of z, which is09-May-2021
enduranceThe sequence of numbers S={s1,s2,s3…} is defined by s1 = 2,09-May-2021
enduranceMary is building a pyramid out of stacked rows of soup cans.09-May-2021
TiAsifMary is building a pyramid out of stacked rows of soup cans.08-May-2021
TiAsifThe sequence of numbers S={s1,s2,s3…} is defined by s1 = 2,08-May-2021
ShahaDipuIf 1/2^11*5^17 is expressed as a terminating decimal, how ma08-May-2021
TiAsifThe quotient of x and y is 2. If x is 75% of z, which is08-May-2021
TiAsifIf y = x2 – 32x + 256, then what is the least possible value08-May-2021
omkar0396Seth was extremely _______, and did not enjoy activities07-May-2021
aum02Anne could have made a larger salary elsewhere, but such07-May-2021
KothaiRe: If x, y, and z are positive numbers such that 3x < 2y < 4z,07-May-2021
KothaiRe: A survey asked 1,150 people to choose their favorite laundry07-May-2021
godxyzJohn will spend the summer in one of the houses either on07-May-2021
MariaMugheesGRE Math Challenge #14 - 72.42= k(24 + n/100)07-May-2021
billfalconRe: Set S consists of all positive integers less than 8107-May-2021
yoshita94guptaJohn will spend the summer in one of the houses either on06-May-2021
XavierAlexanderOnly with the discovery of an ozone hole over Antarctica06-May-2021
jainamshah0037In distribution of 850 different measurements, x centimeters06-May-2021
SohelRe: (i) _________ the law had little impact, but it was06-May-2021
SohelRe: The pair’s apparent antagonism could easily be written off a06-May-2021
SohelRe: In this day and age, side show barkers, competing with the06-May-2021

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