Prep Club for GRE

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sandy owns 11320 Kudos, gave away 0 Kudos.

omkar0396Many senior faculty members who were accustomed to being add30-Apr-2021
AndreVilasBoasIn the figure above, ABCD is a parallelogram.29-Apr-2021
AndreVilasBoasIn the figure above, triangle RST is inscribed in a circle.29-Apr-2021
kenjiChild A ate 3/5 of a kilogram of chocolate and Child B ate 329-Apr-2021
kenjiIn the figure above, ABCD is a parallelogram.29-Apr-2021
yaminiguruRe: The probability that both events E and F will occur is 0.4229-Apr-2021
XavierAlexanderSylvia Plath was not as _______ a poet as was her husband29-Apr-2021
AprazorsA particular nation’s GDP (Gross Domestic Product) is $4.5 b29-Apr-2021
AprazorsRe: Mr. and Mrs. Gonzales, ages 42 and 39, wish to visit the Nat29-Apr-2021
Aprazors14 - 3(4 - 6)29-Apr-2021
Aprazors39 - (25 - 17)29-Apr-2021
surabhipantIf xy^2 = 12 and xy = 4, then x =29-Apr-2021
surabhipantHow to score well on AWA?29-Apr-2021
SohelRe: The plan, if it can be called that, has been more of a29-Apr-2021
SohelRe: While some feel that the author’s (i) _________ late in his29-Apr-2021
SohelRe: Though the negotiation was initially expected to proceed29-Apr-2021
XavierAlexanderSentence Equivalence #Q9-Anthropologists contend that29-Apr-2021
XavierAlexanderMiddlemarch author George Eliot reportedly bemoaned the dear29-Apr-2021
Sara89Re: In City X, the range of the daily low temperatures during Ju28-Apr-2021
briannahuffSolve x(x-2)/(x-3)(x-4)^2 =028-Apr-2021
FAASAlthough they stood with the congressman in a tenuous28-Apr-2021
AarusheeOnly with the discovery of an ozone hole over Antarctica28-Apr-2021
yash239Jimmy Stewart, the actor, spoke with an (i) _________ that28-Apr-2021
UsernameIsTooLongFor centuries, commercial portrait painters have employed a27-Apr-2021
UsernameIsTooLongIn her recent book Palmeriste: A Biography, Sklar argues27-Apr-2021
sprabhakar3the population of Colorado was approximately half27-Apr-2021
FAASDismissed by the establishment, professing nothing but27-Apr-2021
yash239Re: The late Samuel Huntington was well known for his27-Apr-2021
enduranceR is a list of 15 consecutive integers, and T is a list27-Apr-2021
endurance45% of 80 is x% more than 24. What is the value of x?26-Apr-2021

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