| Giver | Post | Date |
| shereen | If the average of 10, 12, n, and n is greater than 25, what | 09-Feb-2021 |
| shereen | Which of the following sets of data applies to this box-and- | 09-Feb-2021 |
| Carcass | The price of a phone call consists of a standard connection | 09-Feb-2021 |
| Carcass | Re: The price of a phone call consists of a standard connection | 09-Feb-2021 |
| jbbbatiste | Exam grades among the students in Ms. Harshman’s class are n | 08-Feb-2021 |
| jbbbatiste | Town A has a population of 160,000 and is growing at a rate | 08-Feb-2021 |
| AnilThota1999 | Re: One liberal activist asserts that politicians’ tendency to | 08-Feb-2021 |
| Nelli | Re: Question | 08-Feb-2021 |
| Samar16 | Text Completion #Q57-Cezanne's delicate watercolor sketches | 08-Feb-2021 |
| dreamisb | Re: QOTD #6 In a single line of people waiting to purchase | 08-Feb-2021 |
| happysingh11 | GRE Math Challenge #28-Mixture Problems | 08-Feb-2021 |
| Esfandiar | The box-and-whisker plot shown above could be a representati | 08-Feb-2021 |
| Esfandiar | QOTD#10 The table above shows the frequency distribution of | 07-Feb-2021 |
| jbbbatiste | The 75th percentile on a test corresponded to a score of 700 | 07-Feb-2021 |
| jbbbatiste | The graph represents the normally distributed scores on a te | 07-Feb-2021 |
| jbbbatiste | QOTD#13 The figure above shows the standard normal | 07-Feb-2021 |
| jbbbatiste | During a sales contest at a local electronics store, 65 empl | 07-Feb-2021 |
| jbbbatiste | A clothing store sells only pants and skirts. The store curr | 07-Feb-2021 |
| JasmineKaur | Re: A survey asked 1,150 people to choose their favorite laundry | 07-Feb-2021 |
| JasmineKaur | Re: The perimeter of square S is 40. Square T is inscribed in sq | 07-Feb-2021 |
| amazonsifu12 | After a 15% discount, the price of a computer was $612. Wha | 07-Feb-2021 |
| void | Despite the blandishments of the real estate con artist, the | 06-Feb-2021 |
| Esfandiar | There are 32 students in Jamie’s eighth-grade class. Each st | 06-Feb-2021 |
| jbbbatiste | On a certain train, children’s tickets cost $6 and adult tic | 05-Feb-2021 |
| AnuAnuAnu | Re: On average, the machine operators with approximately how man | 05-Feb-2021 |
| Nelli | Re: If all lawyers and all women in the House of Representative | 05-Feb-2021 |
| Esfandiar | Helen paid $252 for a conference ticket. If she had purchas | 05-Feb-2021 |
| Esfandiar | If 0 < a < < 1, then which of the following must be true? (A | 04-Feb-2021 |
| Asad49 | The random variable X is normally distributed | 04-Feb-2021 |
| jermaa | Free GRE Practice Tests [Collection] | 04-Feb-2021 |