Prep Club for GRE

Kudos owned by the user

tpaillier owns 31 Kudos, gave away 0 Kudos.

NelliRe: An empty pool being filled with water at a constant rate tak23-Apr-2024
NelliRe: Two trains, X and Y, started simultaneously from opposite en23-Feb-2023
rainer85Re: In order to complete a reading assignment on time, Terry pla29-Oct-2022
KC15Re: (x^y) * (x^2)=x^628-Aug-2022
kajalesahil7Re: The average of three numbers, the greatest of which is 7813-Jul-2022
abhilashagoelRe: It is claimed that the change in population occurred becaus22-Jun-2022
PriyaPithwaRe: Of the following, which is the closest appproximation to th21-Oct-2021
GaukharRe: Of the following, which is the closest appproximation to th27-Jun-2021
SharanyasharanyaRe: Two trains, X and Y, started simultaneously from opposite en23-May-2021
SharanyasharanyaRe: Car X and Car Y traveled the same 80-mile route. If Car X to23-May-2021
ShahaDipuRe: Of the following, which is the closest appproximation to th08-May-2021
AjanthaJRe: Two trains, X and Y, started simultaneously from opposite en24-Jan-2021
tejajaddipalRe: Of the following, which is the closest appproximation to th15-Jan-2021
Mahmudku070634Re: It is claimed that the change in population occurred becaus15-Sep-2020
GR3ARe: Two trains, X and Y, started simultaneously from opposite en12-Jul-2020
bunns11Re: Working alone, Navid can mow10-Jul-2020
PushkarSabRe: Working alone, Navid can mow07-Jul-2020
TheGrekingRe: Angle ABC =y°02-Jul-2020
CarcassRe: (x^y) * (x^2)=x^630-Jun-2020
CarcassRe: Working alone, Navid can mow30-Jun-2020
AsmakanRe: The area of a square28-Jun-2020
CarcassRe: Angle ABC =y°28-Jun-2020
CarcassRe: The average of three numbers, the greatest of which is 7828-Jun-2020
CarcassRe: Two trains, X and Y, started simultaneously from opposite en28-Jun-2020
CarcassRe: Of the following, which is the closest appproximation to th28-Jun-2020
esaktasynovRe: In order to complete a reading assignment on time, Terry pla26-Jun-2020
CarcassRe: Running at the same constant rate, 6 identical machines can26-Jun-2020
CarcassRe: For all numbers r and s26-Jun-2020
CarcassRe: In order to complete a reading assignment on time, Terry pla26-Jun-2020
CarcassRe: An empty pool being filled with water at a constant rate tak26-Jun-2020

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