Prep Club for GRE
May 02, 2017

Joined: May 02, 2017

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GRE In Person- Worth It!

REVIEWER IDENTITY VERIFIED by school email address

Improvement 10 Points

Course Kaplan GRE Prep - In Person

Location Philadelphia, PA USA

My GRE in person prep course was made worth it to me by my amazing instructor, Deivanai. I was blown away by her teaching skills and commitment to her students. Deivanai always made herself available throughout the week over the phone, email, or in person, and I've remained in communication with her even after my course is over and I continue studying. Deivanai provided homework help/instructional guidance, help with study plans, and general support throughout my GRE process. In addition, she taught the lessons with thoroughness, enthusiasm, and consideration for her students' questions and ideas. 

Additionally, on the Kaplan side of things, I really appreciated the wealth of study materials online, specifically the quiz bank and recommended quizzes, which are catered to the student's individual strengths and weaknesses and areas they want to improve on. My only qualm is with the vocab app, which I found difficult to navigate, but there are many other great GRE vocab apps available, or just good ol' flashcards do the trick as well.

Overall, awesome experience and highly recommend!

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