Prep Club for GRE
June 28, 2024

Joined: Jun 24, 2024

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Incredibly helpful for a CONSISTENTLY good score


Improvement 10 Points

Course Target Test Prep The Target Test Prep GRE

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Aiming for a high score on the GRE can be especially difficult because 1. it can all come down to one question 2. you have to pace yourself and strategize. Target Test Prep helped me hone down a consistently high score in the least amount of time possible (while also holding down a demanding full-time job). The program does this by building conceptual understanding for relevant concepts, making it easy to schedule/hold yourself accountable when studying with an interactive calendar and modules, and providing just enough repetition that gets steadily more difficult (with different wrinkles in each question) so you feel confident about a certain topic once you're done studying it. I was hitting a plateau and definitely broke out of it thanks to TTP.

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