Prep Club for GRE

The Target Test Prep GRE Reviews

Prepare With the Best. Rock the Test.

The Target Test Prep GRE Course is an ultra-clear and super-comprehensive course that is unlike anything you've used before. Taught with unprecedented clarity and detail, this course offers serious material to prepare you for a serious exam. And now the TTP course has even more to offer GRE students, with the launch of our GRE Verbal course. Our Verbal course includes hundreds of realistic practice questions and instructor-led videos, giving you everything you need to master Text Completion, Sentence Equivalence, and Reading Comprehension on the GRE.

Regardless of your score goal, if you’ve struggled with GRE Quant and Verbal in the past, the TTP course will be a game-changer for you. Here are just some of the great features you get with TTP:

  • Personalized, step-by-step study plan
  • 4,000+ realistic practice questions
  • 1,000+ instructor-led HD videos
  • Intelligent, laser-focused analytics and detailed error trackers
  • Live online support from GRE experts
Need some more inspiration to get started? TTP course users with verified scores on GRE Prep Club reported these impressive stats:

  • Q163 Average GRE Quant score
  • V161 Average GRE Verbal score
  • 324 Average GRE score
Ready to give it a try? Sign up for our free 5-day trial.
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February 18, 2025

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Course Target Test Prep The Target Test Prep GRE

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I first used TTP for the old GMAT prep & improved score +60 points from the previous attempt. I found the quant section to be especially helpful & comprehensive.

I then shifted gears to GRE prep, obviously using TTP again and noticed the quant content overlapped a lot with GMAT, so I used it as a brush-up tool. I liked how the verbal section for GRE had flashcards I could review and a dedicated review sheet.

Overall, TTP's comprehensive plan removed the guesswork—I just followed it through and saw results! It was also kinda fun with the "gamified" aspect as I felt motivated to move into each section & check off the box.

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February 18, 2025

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Course Target Test Prep The Target Test Prep GRE

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I recently used the Target Test Prep GRE service and it exceeded my expectations in preparing for the GRE< especially the quantitative reasoning section! The service offered a comprehensive curriculum that broke down all mathematical concepts into detailed chapters with a recommended approach. Target Test Prep GRE was instrumental in significantly improving my quantitative reasoning skills. It was an area I was struggling in before. The combination of structured materials and realistic practice resources made my preparation effective and as enjoyable as it can be (haha)! I highly recommend it to anyone looking to improve their GRE score, especially if you are looking to improve in the quantitative reasoning section.

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February 17, 2025

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Course Target Test Prep The Target Test Prep GRE

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TTP was invaluable. It provides comprehensive, theoretical grounding of mathematical concepts in quant — And strategies and awareness of traps in verbal. It promotes mastery through repetition and detailed solutions in a well structured, sequential fashion, topic by topic. Its diagnostic test provides bar graphs to identify proficiencies and weaknesses to allow for targeted, intense revision. Having used both Gregmat and TTP, I confidently assert that this is the better of these 2 extremely popular and highly rated GRE preparatory services. Even with only 1.5 weeks of use but with intense daily revision, my scores soared from low 320s in Power Prep tests, to 335 in the actual GRE with V166 Q169.

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January 15, 2025

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Clueless and overwhelmed as I faced my first standardized test, I had no idea where to begin. Starting with a daunting 150Q score, I turned to TTP for guidance. Their structured approach, comprehensive materials, and clear explanations helped me build confidence and master the concepts step by step. The platform’s adaptive techniques and detailed problem breakdowns turned confusion into clarity, enabling steady progress with every study session. With dedication and TTP's support, I achieved a 166Q—far beyond what I initially thought possible. TTP transformed my approach to learning and proved that persistence and the right resources make success attainable.

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January 04, 2025

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I needed at least 164 on the quantitative section, and I took the GRE, scoring 154. So, I subscribed to the one-month GRE course at Target Test Prep, since its reputation is very high. First, I took the diagnostic test, which enabled me to identify the subjects and questions I was getting right but, most importantly, the questions and topics I was getting wrong. With that information in hand, I focused mainly on my weaknesses. The vast number of available questions and the way they were designed helped me a lot in preparing to retake the GRE. I was able to complete dozens of questions and learn from my weaknesses, transforming them into strengths on test day. In addition, the review questions helped me keep what I already knew fresh, while allowing me to continue practicing and pacing myself. This made a huge difference on test day. I felt really prepared, which led to a score of 166 in the quantitative section in just one month—a 12-point increase—thanks to Target Test Prep!

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December 14, 2024

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Although I don't have a background in STEM, my foundation in Quants was pretty strong. The major thing I was struggling with was finishing the sections on time. I had used TTP's free trail during my first attempt and discovered the Chapter Tests section. When I was giving my third attempt, I made sure to pay for the one month plan so I could attempt each and every chapter test within the given time limit of 1:30 seconds. I love that it is divided into easy, medium and hard questions. While attempting these sections. I was also able to figure out where I need to brush up on my foundation and read the chapters (which are super helpful as well). Thank you, Scott and team!

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November 20, 2024

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I began my journey with TTP while preparing for the GMAT. Although I still believe TTP is the best resource for the GMAT, I found that the GRE's exam format aligned better with my strengths. As a result, I shifted my focus to the GRE and switched to a TTP GRE subscription. Having tried other resources, I can confidently say that TTP is the most comprehensive and effective platform for GRE preparation.

There are three standout features of TTP that set it apart from other platforms I’ve tried:

1. Thorough Learning Modules: TTP offers an extensive learning phase that teaches methods to solve all possible question types on any topic—particularly in Quant—in the most efficient way. These methods are reinforced through key summaries at the end of each chapter, making it easy to revisit essential concepts.

2. Extensive and Challenging Practice: TTP provides an almost unlimited number of exercises, which I found slightly more challenging than the actual GRE questions. This helped me feel more agile and confident during simulations and, ultimately, on test day. Additionally, TTP allows users to create customized practice sets, focusing on specific areas or combining all topics. This feature helps simulate real exam conditions, including the number of questions and time limits.

3. Personalized Exam Strategies: TTP goes beyond academic preparation by offering practical tips on managing exam timing, reducing anxiety, and improving overall performance. These insights are available in both written and video formats, making them accessible and easy to implement.

Based on my experience, I highly recommend TTP to anyone preparing for the GRE. In my case, it helped me reach a competitive 336 score (170Q, 166V). The value it offers is unmatched, making it the best investment for your success!

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August 16, 2024

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Target Test Prep GRE enables students to delve deeper into concepts that require clear analysis and from which clear results can be expected.

In addition to the careful theoretical contribution offered by TTP, I found the possibility of creating custom tests particularly interesting, as these introduce an additional element of randomness in the preparation of the GRE. The error log is instrumental in improving results. Finally, TTP’s review questions, based on your error history, to be carried out during the practice stage of the mock tests, allow for a smooth transition to the real exam.

In short, TTP has been for me the key reference to turn to both in the learning and assimilation process and as a final step towards the GRE.

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July 25, 2024

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I work in MBB consulting and had very limited time to prep for the GRE. I had taken it one time before (5 years ago) and got 164Q/161V. TTP came so highly recommended from current MBA students I knew and many people at work, so I had to give it a try. I only had 3 weeks to prepare and was skeptical that it would be worth the time to work through the chapters of content, but I quickly realized that it was worth my time. The tips and tricks to solving each question were instrumental in getting a high scre when I took the test, most especially for getting the "hard" questions right.

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May 28, 2024

Joined: May 28, 2024

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Course Target Test Prep The Target Test Prep GRE

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TTP proved invaluable during my GRE preparation, particularly for its quantitative section! After years away from school, I had almost forgotten everything, but TTP's well-organized content structure helped me remember many key points. Another aspect I appreciated was the ability to annotate areas where I was uncertain and mark questions I answered incorrectly, facilitating targeted improvement. It provided a personalized approach to tackling GRE challenges, guiding me through the maze of concepts with clarity and confidence. Overall, TTP significantly enhanced my study routine, ensuring I was well-equipped for success on test day. Overall, I highly recommend TTP for anyone preparing for the GRE, as it proved instrumental in my success.

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