Prep Club for GRE
December 14, 2024

Joined: Dec 14, 2024

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Improvement 20 Points

Course Target Test Prep The Target Test Prep GRE

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Although I don't have a background in STEM, my foundation in Quants was pretty strong. The major thing I was struggling with was finishing the sections on time. I had used TTP's free trail during my first attempt and discovered the Chapter Tests section. When I was giving my third attempt, I made sure to pay for the one month plan so I could attempt each and every chapter test within the given time limit of 1:30 seconds. I love that it is divided into easy, medium and hard questions. While attempting these sections. I was also able to figure out where I need to brush up on my foundation and read the chapters (which are super helpful as well). Thank you, Scott and team!

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