Prep Club for GRE
November 06, 2023

Joined: Nov 06, 2023

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Course Target Test Prep The Target Test Prep GRE

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I used Target Test Prep (TTP) for Quant preparation only. The course was thorough, and covered all the key topics required for the GRE. The course was also exceptionally well organized, with the course starting from the basic foundations, and each topic building upon the learnings from the previous topic. The learning approach was also ideal - there were ample example questions mixed with the theory, and a large number of practice tests and questions at the end of each section. The regular review tests also reinforced ideas from previous topics and minimized the possibility of forgetting key concepts from earlier topics. Finally, the learning interface had many useful features to customize my learning and deal with my specific weaknesses. I was able to create custom practice tests from questions which I had marked as getting them wrong or taking too long.

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