Prep Club for GRE
February 14, 2021

Joined: Feb 01, 2021

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Improvement 10 Points

Course Target Test Prep The Target Test Prep GRE

Location Online

My first and second exam, after finish the Magoosh program, was 154. Then, I tried with TTP, increasing my score first to 160 and then to 164.
The program is direct to the point, easy to learn, and with valuable information about the difficult questions. They teach you with few words, all the formulas, and with few examples of every level. Then, you have unlimited tests and exercises, cluster them by subject and grade. Also, they show you the data with an excellent analysis to guide your study plan.
By the way, I didn't have enough time to finish the program, imagine if I could finish it.
Honestly, it is the best option. I invested time looking for the best program; I correctly say that this is the best one!