Act Fast to Beat the Price Increase!

By - Aug 23, 09:15 AM Comments [0]

OK: you’ve made the big decision – you’re going to apply. We know you didn’t make this choice lightly – after all, going to grad school is a big investment in your dreams of the future.

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Whether those dreams involve creating new technologies, building new companies, teaching the next generation of scholars, caring for the ill, advocating for people’s rights, or anything else that’s in the realm of your imagination…in order to take the next step, you need to get accepted to the right program for you. That takes hard work and an effective application strategy.

That’s where we can help you. You’ll work one-on-one with an admissions expert who will be by your side throughout the admissions process. From consulting on school selection, to reviewing statements of purpose and CVs, to prepping for interviews, to helping you choose among acceptances – we’ve coached thousands of students like you to success at elite programs.

Not only is this a great time of year to start working on applications with fall and winter deadlines, but if you purchase before August 30th, you’ll beat our price increase. Contact us today to be matched with a consultant!

Accepted | Helping applicants like you apply confidently and successfully for over 20 years. <<Get Accepted!>>

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