
Not Sure If A PhD is Right For You? Here are 25 reasons that life in Academia is AWESOME.

By - Jul 3, 11:56 AM   Comments [0]

         Some people perhaps thought my last post on academic life was too negative, so I want to provide some balance to people who feel passionately that they want to pursue a PhD but are also feeling a bit scared. Academia can be wonderful... or...

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Is Academia for You? Ten Questions You *MUST* Ask Yourself Before Pursuing a PhD

By - Jun 26, 11:30 AM   Comments [0]

Bucolic afternoon strolls on lovely campuses. Dedicating your life to studying and teaching ideas that you’re passionate about. Tweed jackets, afternoon coffees with smart people, getting paid to read books, and summers off. There are a million things that make academic life attractive and, if...

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A Partner’s Guide to Graduate School (Applications and Beyond!)

By - Apr 9, 11:28 AM   Comments [0]

         With spring around the corner, we’re going to be spending the next few weeks producing blogs designed to help people who are just starting their MBA application process with the aim of submitting in Round One this summer. At Gurufi, we help scores of...

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Six Tips for Your MBA Application

By - Mar 4, 07:29 AM   Comments [0]

March is our transition month here at Gurufi. Most of our 2023-24 cycle MBA clients have submitted their applications, and many have already gotten great news. We are beginning to think about next year’s cycle. Though most schools won’t be releasing their application formats, essays,...

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Is Grad School Worth It? This ROI Formula Can Help You Decide

By - Jan 25, 08:44 AM   Comments [0]

         Every year, Gurufi helps applicants write powerful personal statements that earn them admission to top Master’s and Ph.D. programs in STEM, Humanities, and Social Sciences. As part of our commitment to providing free and affordable resources, we also offer insights into other aspects of applying to graduate...

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What Do Humanities PhDs Earn?

By - Mar 13, 04:38 AM   Comments [0]

  At Gurufi, we have nearly two decades of experience in helping people earn admission into competitive graduate programs. As a result, we understand just what a complicated and fraught decision it is to pursue doctoral studies. When people are considering whether to pursue a Ph.D.,...

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Don’t Use OpenAI to Write Your Personal Statement

By - Mar 2, 08:04 AM   Comments [0]

Colleges and universities are freaking out because students are beginning to use ChatGPT to do their academic work. A recent poll of Stanford students found that 10% used it to create homework that they turned in without additional alteration. Now, many people are turning to...

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Are You Too Old for Grad School?

By - Feb 25, 09:47 AM   Comments [0]

Now here's the issue... Those who inquire, "Am I too old to begin a Ph.D.?" are typically attempting to talk themselves out of it. This may shock you, but I believe that you should begin this process by trying to talk yourself out of it....

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Summer Savings Continue – 5 More Days To Save 10%

By - Jul 13, 02:42 AM   Comments [0]

Our super summer 10% off sale continues through Wednesday, July 15, 2015. Ready to get the help you need to whip those applications into tip-top shape? Then NOW is the time to purchase services. 10% off can save you hundreds of dollars!* Our expert admissions consultants and...

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MBA Trends: Post-MBA Salaries Up, Strong Satisfaction

By - Jul 9, 11:18 AM   Comments [0]

The results of GMAC’s Global Management Education Graduate Survey are in, and they show a positive picture for new grads. Some highlights: • 59% of job-seeking new business grads had a job offer before graduation. • 89% of new grads would rate their business degree good or outstanding,...

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