ENCORE Mary Mahoney Writing a Compelling Personal Statement

By - Dec 22, 10:30 AM Comments [0]

Mary Mahoney Writing a Compelling Personal Statement

Writing a Compelling Personal Statement

It’s a busy time of year now. We here at Accepted are busy helping applicants with the end-of-the-year application crunch and normally I would be enjoying the company of extended family at this joyous time of year. Thanks to COVID, however, our extended family is not gathering in person. I suspect that your celebrations are also somewhat muted this year. 

However, depending on where you’re at in the application process, you may still have a move to plan after hearing of an acceptance, applications to complete, decisions to anticipate or make, interviews to prepare for, and next year’s application plans to start working on.  And you may even have some work to do. 

Consequently, now is an excellent time for an encore show. Since it was one of the most popular med admissions interviews of 2020 and is really relevant to anyone having to draft a personal statement or narrative , I decided to replay the  interview with Accepted’s Dr. Mary Mahoney. An English professor, Dr. Mahoney’s specialty is narrative medicine. In simple terms she’s expert in helping you tell your story and that’s the topic for this show. 

We’ll run that interview in just a second. Right now I want to take this opportunity to thank you for listening week in and week out, or whenever you find a show you like.  There are lots of different ways for you to spend your time, and it’s greatly appreciated that you choose to spend it with AST’s guests and me. So thank you so much!

I also want to wish you a Wonderful Holiday Season and a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year, a new year filled with the realization of your educational and professional dreams, and of course acceptances. A year in which COVID and the pandemic become history so that next year, my family and yours can celebrate in person. 

Now the interview with Accepted’s Dr. Mary Mahoney.

For the complete show notes, check out the original blog post.

Listen to the show!

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The post Encore: Writing a Compelling Personal Statement [Episode 397] appeared first on Accepted Admissions Blog.

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