GRE Question of the Day (August 18th)

By - Aug 18, 02:00 AM Comments [0]


Instead of relying on general tax revenue, as it now does, the government should rely more heavily on passenger fares to finance public bus and train service. In order for public transportation to be maintained without cutting service, users should pay all the operating costs even if these costs should increase. Such charges would be fair since only users benefit from public transportation.
Which of the following is a principle on which the position above could be based?

(A) The number of users of a public service should determine the amount of governmental financial support for the service.
(B) The amount of public transportation provided should be dependent on the operating cost of each transportation service.
(C) If necessary, general taxes should be raised to ensure that public transportation services are provided.
(D) The government should provide support from general tax revenue to any transportation industry that has passenger service available to the public.
(E) General tax revenues should not be used to finance public services that benefit a limited number of people

Correct Answer - E - (click and drag your mouse to see the answer)

Question Discussion & Explanation

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