Author Archive - JeffGRE Question of the Day (October 5th)Verbal Recent studies of sediment in the North Atlantic’deep waters reveal possible cyclical patterns in the history of Earth’s climate. The rock fragments in these sediments are too large to have been transported there by ocean currents, they must have reached their present locations by traveling... GRE Question of the Day (October 4th)Math Quantity A Quantity B a + d – c – 90 90 – e – b – f A) Quantity A is greater.B) Quantity B is greater.C) The two quantities are equal.D) The relationship cannot be determined from the information given. Correct Answer - C - (click and drag your... GRE Question of the Day (October 1st)Math Which of the following is NOT a root of the equation (x² + x - 20)² - 2(x² + x - 20) - 63 = 17A) -6B) -4C) 3D) 4E) 5 Correct Answer - D - (click and drag your mouse to see the answer) Question Discussion... GRE Question of the Day (September 29th)Math Quantity A Quantity B \({n^2}\) \({p^2 + m^2}\) A) Quantity A is greater.B) Quantity B is greater.C) The two quantities are equal.D) The relationship cannot be determined from the information given. Correct Answer - A - (click and drag your mouse to see the answer) Question Discussion & Explanation GRE Question of the Day (September 28th)Verbal Contemporary literary scholars have come to discard the once-conventional image of English theater in the time of Elizabeth I as an anomalous literary wonder, a sudden flowering of creativity rooted not in the dramatic traditions of England but the theater of ancient Greece and Rome.... GRE Question of the Day (September 27th)Math x and y are positive integers. If the greatest common divisor of x and 3y is 9, and the least common multiple of 3x and 9y is 81, then what is the value of 81xy?A) \({3^5}\)B) \({3^5}\)C) \({3^7}\)D) \({3^8}\)E) \({3^9}\) Correct Answer - D - (click... GRE Question of the Day (September 24th)Math The areas of the two shaded regions of the circle are equal. Quantity A Quantity B The area of unshaded region A of the circle The area of unshaded region B of the circle A) Quantity A is greater.B) Quantity B is greater.C) The two quantities are equal.D) The relationship... GRE Question of the Day (September 23rd)Verbal Far from viewing Jefferson as a skeptical but enlightened intellectual, historians of the 1960s have portrayed him as (i) ___________ thinker, eager to fill the young with his political orthodoxy while censoring ideas he did not like. Blank (i) an adventurous a doctrinaire an eclectic a judicious a cynical Correct Answer -... GRE Question of the Day (September 22nd)Math If \({abc = b^3}\) , which of the following must be true?I. \({ac = b^2}\)II. \({b = 0}\)III. \({ac = 1}\)A. NoneB. I onlyC. II onlyD. I and IIIE. II and III Correct Answer - A - (click and drag your mouse to see the answer) Question Discussion... GRE Question of the Day (September 21st)Verbal The paleontologist's (i) ____________ orthodoxy meant that the evidence he had so painstakingly gathered would inevitably be (ii) __________ by his more conventional colleagues. Blank (i) Blank (ii) (A) break with (D) considered (B) dependence on (E) contested (C) reputation for (F) classified Correct Answer - A & E - (click and drag your... |