Posts Tagged ‘Statement of purpose tips’

Is Academia for You? Ten Questions You *MUST* Ask Yourself Before Pursuing a PhD

By - Jun 26, 11:30 AM   Comments [0]

Bucolic afternoon strolls on lovely campuses. Dedicating your life to studying and teaching ideas that you’re passionate about. Tweed jackets, afternoon coffees with smart people, getting paid to read books, and summers off. There are a million things that make academic life attractive and, if...

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The Importance of Strong Writing in STEM Ph.D. Applications

By - Jan 30, 09:16 AM   Comments [0]

At Gurufi, we help hundreds of applicants every year get into top Masters and PhD programs. If you’re applying to a STEM program, we have editor-consultants with the experience and skill to transform your personal statement or statement of purpose into a powerful piece of...

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