Re: Approximately what percent of all the zoo’s animals are eith
25 Jul 2019, 18:56
The questions asks about mammals raised in the wild (the graph tells us that animals raised in the wild are the dotted bars, and mammals are obviously the mammal bar), and amphibians raised in captivity (striped bar of amphibians).
This is a slightly unusual bar graph, in that the striped bars don't start at the y-axis, so it might trick you into believing that, for example, 10% of all animals are birds raised in the wild. You need to check where the striped bar begins when you want to find out how many percent the bar represents.
Mammals raised in the wild is easy enough. The bar appears to stretch until roughly 6% on the x-axis, so 6% of all animals in the zoo are mammals raised in the wild.
Amphibians raised in captivity is, as I said, slightly trickier. We can easily see that the bar ends at roughly 8% on the x-axis, but we also need to check where it starts. It appears to start at roughly 2%, so the total bar has length 6%.
So 6% of the animals in the zoo are mammals raised in the wild, and 6% of the animals are amphibians raised in captivity, for a total of 12% of the animals in the zoo.
So the answer would be B.