Got quant 159 and verbal 158, how can i improve?
29 Oct 2020, 07:05
Hi guys, I’ve taken today the GRE, unofficial scores are: V 158 and Q 159; i’ve studied using GRE official guide and official Verbal and quant book; unfortunately this score isn’t enough for my target schools (MSc finance at HEC, ESSEC, SG, Bocconi, LBS, LSE and EDHEC MiM); i was expecting a bit more on Q, since in powerprep free 1 and 2 i scored 167 and 162. I want to retake the GRE, but i’m lost regarding which study material i should use from now on. I noticed that the quant difficulty level of official guide and powerprep is way inferior than the real GRE. Can anyone please suggest me how I should proceed?