Hi folks
here is another analyzed report from a student who scored
319 (Q163 V156)Statistics
1) First Verbal section Medium with 10 questions correct. Average of difficulty 3.5
Second Verbal section Medium with 15 questions correct.
Score 155+1 bonus point = 156
2) First Quant section Medium with 17 questions correct. Average of difficulty 2.95
Second Quant section hard with 15 questions correct.
Score 162+1 bonus point = 163
On the quant side. I believe there are points to improve in avoiding mistakes
1) strong areas are: algebra, arithmetic, and geometry
2) Improve in data analysis such as median (usually or stuff like that) in which got a couple of questions wrong in the second section. However, the concepts mastering is good
3) Time management good

On the verbal side
1) Definitely improve Rc both medium and long passage
2) TC is pretty good even though there is some guess wrong, attempting questions.
3) SE definitely to improve even though not from scratch. Some hard questions nailed with a good TM