GRE in a week, Issue Task pls help :)
16 Nov 2019, 04:26
Some believe the more comforts a society provides, the more likely it is to create people who
cannot provide for themselves. Others believe such comforts are indicative of a society’s self=sufficiency.
Societal comforts are benefits that the citizens enjoy after having a stable economic structure and an optimistic attitude of people. The comforts, which may include quality food, sophisticated technology and also reliable energy and resources, allows a particular society to develop a sense of assurance for living. Realistically, a society that is able to provide comforts to its people, will be an independent society as a whole. However, I believe to a certain extent that some individuals in society may move away from this particular independence.
Comforts in society can often be overstated as "luxuries". People who enjoy such luxuries are certainly satisfied with their current position. This leads on to some people to be simply happy with what they have and not having any profound ambition moving forward. The lack of ambition is the mark of a lack of independence, as a person may begin to lose his/her motivation first followed by his/her productivity. Hypothetically and psychologically, this would be the case for some us, and it can be further proven when we consider Maslow's Need Hierarchy. Once the basic needs to the recognition needs are achieved, self-actualization is the final product. But what's after that? It hasn't been discussed. The languid nature of people is apparent when looking when we look at the poor boroughs in England. The magnanimous government; compared to third-world countries; will provide healthcare and housing to these individuals that are poor. However, this leads to those miserly citizens to rely on the government solely and in some cases, even criticizing their benefactors for not supporting them enough. As such, some of these citizens are not able to find employment due to their lack of ambition.
A well-off society is certainly more comfortable to live in when compared to a third-world country. With the existing benefits such as clean water, for example, some people take these benefits for granted. In rural Faisalabad in Pakistan, people still have to walk for miles to obtain clean drinking water. This persistence for a simple daily activity leads to a more productive mindset as a person in Pakistan knows that he "must" do it as no one will do it for him. In Western countries, this norm of hard-work is not built-in in most cases. By introducing more comforts such as Uber Delivery, people would rely on technology and as such there will always be a tendency to rely on something else when the comforts become extravagant.
Certainly, the comforts a society provides will benefits the nation completely. In terms of economy, education and personal development, comforts can allow an individual to be more than he would be in the absence. In part, this is reliance on comforts, but they will allow this individual to reach his prime position. Moreover, as a person develops with comforts such as literary resources, for example, his mind, as well as personality, sharpens. Additionally, through comforts, people can choose to go on voluntary programs abroad to see how different the effect of comforts is in third-world countries comparing to western countries. This experience, through comfort, can develop a sense of responsibility which further develops a sense of independence to firstly provide for oneself and, if optimistic, provide for others as well.
In conclusion, although the societal comforts will develop the economy as a whole surely, there will be some people that will lose their ambition and their productivity along the way. Independence is important in this day and age due to the rapidly changing climate. To be able to support oneself is an important part of independence and if society relies too much on the comforts, the chance for personal development is minute.