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GRE Math Essentials - A most comprehensive handout!!! is the best complement to our
GRE Math Book. It provides a cutting-edge, in-depth overview of all the math concepts from basic to mid-upper levels. The book still remains our hallmark: from basic to the most advanced GRE math concepts tested during the exam. Moreover, the following chapters will give you many tips, tricks, and shortcuts to make your quant preparation more robust and solid.
The students who evaluate an expression must follow a precise order or nomenclature. The assumption is that only one can be the result. Turns out, if the students do not follow step by step the order the result will be different and probably wrong.
The acronym of this is the
P. Parenthesis (which are a group of symbols):
E. Exponents
MD. Multiplication and/or divisions are managed simultaneously.
AS. Addition and/or Subtraction are managed simultaneously.
First: solve the expressions inside the brackets ( they could be (-) or [-] or {-})
\(25 \times 4 \div \bigl\{[25-18+3] + [7 \times 8] \times [4 \times (18 + \sqrt{16})^2]\bigl\}\)
Second: evaluation of the elements raised to the power or that have exponents
Third: perform divisions and multiplications. Usually does not matter from left to right or the reverse
Fourth: perform addition and subtractions. Usually does not matter from left to right or the reverse
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