bb wrote:
nfilip wrote:
Am I crazy or something happened with the tags that one is able to search? In September I was preparing for GRE and I was able to select tags such as Powerprep 1 Test, Powerprep 2, OG 10ed, Big book... Cant find those anymore
Hi. You are not crazy. We have received a massive ETS legal complaint to remove many discussions that were related to their questions, so we have been doing it over the weekend. I am not sure what their problem is with discussing questions but they really appear unhappy that people are preparing for the GRE. They even worked on Saturday extra time to file more complaints and threaten us.

P.S. We are law-abiding and comply with all legal requests and complaints but it is a bit futile since folks will post them again anyway for clarification since their explanations are either non-existent or terrible.
It is what it is. hands down.
The only thing I do not understand, regardless the fact I have a degree in Economics or I am dead dumb: people who find here on our forum a good way to study, do not have a better or high incentive to take the GRE ?
Or not ?
I think the answer is quite intuitive.

Therefore, what ETS is doing is counterintuitive. Pretty sure