We ignore all the points that are at 25 hours studied and more: that’s the point on the vertical 25-hour line and all the points to the right—all of those are ignored. The only ones we care about are the ones less than 25-hours. Of these, the highest is the one furthest to the right, at a height of 154. This person studied less than 25 hours and got a GRE Q score of 154.
Answer = (C)
The three highest scores, the three highest dots on the graph, are
a) person with Q = 165 who studied 45 hours
b) person with Q = 170 who studied 29 hours
c) person with Q = 169 who studied 44 hours
We don’t need a calculator. Subtract 30 from each hour amount for simplicity. Then we have hours of {15, –1, 14}. The sum of those is 28, and 28/3 = 9.33. Add back 30 now: that’s an average of 39.33. The closest answer choice is 39.
Answer = (D)
we have to look in the right part of the graph. We have to look at all the dots to the right of the 20-hour line: these are the only dots that count. Dots above the line are students who exceeded the prediction. Dots below the line are students who fell short of the prediction.
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The gray dots on the left are out, because those are times less than 20 hours. Of the remaining dots, the 7 green dots are above the line and 3 red dots are below the line. Ten dots altogether are above the 20-hour line, and 3/10 performed worse than expected.
answer is 3/10