Recall the Phrase "Slow Is Smooth, and Smooth Is Fast" in Your Study
Time is a luxury that most GRE test takers don’t have. Between submitting to a demanding job or going to school, working on applications, volunteering, and spending time with family, your week can disappear in a flash.
Unfortunately, these constraints can cause students to rush through their GRE studying, just to log some studying time. This rushing results in careless mistakes. When you try to calculate faster than your brain can process, you will undoubtedly make mistakes.
To greatly reduce careless errors, go slowly. Take your time. Focus. It makes little sense to spend an hour rushing through 20 questions, only to get 10 of them wrong. Instead, work at the fastest pace you can, while approaching the problems effectively. Focus carefully on each problem. Remember, the goal is to learn and understand, not to race through a bunch of problems.
Warmest regards,
Scott Woodbury-StewartFounder & CEO,
Target Test Prep