My GRE Club's 2023 Scavenger Hunt is Here!Hello My GRE Club and Happy Holidays!To celebrate and welcome the new year, we have a few surprises. The first one is a special scavenger hunt! It is fun... you get to look for things and you get to win too! As soon as you discover all of the hidden clues, you get 2 weeks of GRE Club tests granted to you automatically...
Here is how it will work: - There are 10 holiday logos/images scattered around the website.
- When you see one - click it and you will see a pop up image similar to the one below.
- Once you find all 10 (some are easy and some not so much but the idea is to explore all areas of My GRE Prep Club using the navigation menu above
). - I will give you a hint for the first one - the main forum page. You will find one there on Christmas day.
- Some images may only show up on a certain type of a device (i.e. not a computer)
- Once you discover and click on all 10 images, you will be automatically granted 2 week-access to the PREP CLUB FOR GRE tests.
- This adventure is live for 10 days until January 3rd, 2023!.

You can take your time locating the hidden images or you can uncover them all in just a day. As soon as you discover the 10th image, tests access will be granted automatically. If you have any trouble, report it here
Happy Holidays and Happy Hunting!
bb, Founder of My GRE Prep Club
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