The main goal of this guide is not only the Average GRE Scores At Leading B-Schools but also all the necessary you do need to know about your target B-School and what this imply. Please refer to the table of contents in the first post.
Our BSs list, which usually by 90% of the websites is not considered, entails of TWO records, actually:
- The Business School list broadly speaking. Under this aspect, a Business Program encompasses a wide range of fields of studies NOT only a Full-Time MBA. We do have under this umbrella all the specialties such as Executive MBA, Accounting, Finance, Supply Chain, Management, Marketing, and so forth.
- The BSs list for the Full-Time MBA programs.
As it turns out, the BSs in the second list could also be ranked as the following:
- Global
- United States.
- Canada
- Europe
- Asia
- Oceania
- Latin America
We will address the average GRE score for all these scenarios.
After our in-depth investigation and audit of 61 different Business Schools, across five continents, we found surprising results. We do know thanks to our inquiry that almost all the BSs we have analyzed accept the GRE. However, only the minority of the schools
clearly state the GRE score as a capstone in the admission process.
It is also relevant to notice how we took as reference the Full-time MBA program for every BS. of course, we do refer to it for the GRE average, but it might take for granted for all the programs under the "umbrella" Business School. This is because we do have several different programs: accountancy, strategic management, and so forth. However, the average for the GRE is always the same. The score changes if you do consider other programs or degrees such as in the field of humanity science, engineer, or else. Remember: the GRE General exam is NOT only used for the purpose object of this inquiry but several other fields of post-graduate programs: ARTS or Science grads.
Our investigation of the GRE average score of all BSs combined is the following:
1) First and foremost, what left us aghast is the University of Pennsylvania (Wharton): it seems the ONLY university on the planet that communicates the Mean GRE (Writing - AWA) as requisite for the acceptance: 4.8.
Wharton Class Profile
We scanned far and wide every corner of each MBA program in the list and we did not find any other clue or reference of the AWA score if any. We do not think that going further in the ranking, over the 25th position, we would find another pair of that.
2) As you can easily see from the graphs below, which covers the MBAs in five continents, the overall average is around
160 in both sections of the exam.
3) Several numbers of schools, as we said, do not clearly state the GRE average they think is suitable to show sufficient quantitative and/or qualitative skills for a rigorous MBA program. Later on, we will show you what to in case the GRE is not stated.
4) Australia (Oceania) and Latin America are the two areas where the GRE is almost inexistent. The BS does not take into account it as one of the key elements among the admission criteria. They use the GMAT or other exams to measure your critical reasoning skills, such as the
PAEP Exam.
5) There is not an unanimous consensus among the Business Schools about the average GRE score. We did notice a discrepancy because even though most of the Schools refer to the GRE as average (arithmetic mean), there are as many Schools which refer to the GRE in terms of:
- Average GRE score.
- Range between 158-163.
- Overall range of the GRE.
- Combined GRE score = 310.
- 80% percentile (see the INSEAD MBA program).
- The Middle 80% which is NOT the 80th Percentile. See below for a brief explanation about this apparently weird concept.
See also the post
Average GRE Scores for MBAThe methodology we have used for our in-depth investigation was pretty simple and straightforward yet very effective. When the first step failed to give us the information we wanted in terms of GRE average score or combined (quant + verbal) or else, we moved to the next step, going deeper into the matter.
1) We simply went to the website of the Business School to check the GRE average score out.
2) If nothing came up at a glance, we scanned the admission criteria.
3) If not, we analyzed the MBA class profile of every single school.
4) If not, we analyzed the FAQ the school provides for us. For instance, we did not find any clue at
NYStern BS but the FAQ told us that, quote "
We do not publish average GRE scores due to the short time we have been accepting the test. Please note we do not have a minimum GRE score needed to apply."
5) We sent over, also, several emails to ask precise information about the GRE score when the previous steps failed. Basically, they replied to refer to the tool ETS provides on the official website (see below)
At this stage of our investigation, we wondered what if the GRE score is not clearly stated on the website or the scenario is even fuzzier. The following steps you should follow are based on a simple: YES or NO question. If it is NO moving into the next step.
1) Check first and foremost on the ETS official website if the school accepts the
GRE MBA Programs that Accept the GRE® General Test. If NOT
2) Refer to the GMAT score or range the school gives to you and then use the Official ETS tool that ETS provides on its website. This tool is very reliable and with a very close approximation of the GRE score, you do need once you do have the GMAT score as a reference. Notice how this tool is also suggested by a lot of Business School on their websites, such as
Toronto ROTMAN BS and many other schools.
GRE® Comparison Tool for Business Schools
3) Use the percentile to get the idea of the score you do need for your BS choice. it is important to underline how the numbers of the GRE average score could vary over the years. However, a competitive GRE score
ALWAYS be in the 80% percentile of the range. Reasoning in terms of percentile you will never go wrong for a top-score because the GRE score, and the GMAT alike, is only ONE of the key elements for a winning application.

Whilst most of the Business School refer to the 80% percentile of the score, which simply means that 80% of the test takers with your score is compared to, are below your score, some school refers to The Middle 80% which is
NOT the 80th Percentile.
The concept above is well explained in this article of Introductory statistics ... ercentile/Basically, when we are dealing with The Middle 80% that means you are in the
90% percentile.To find the middle 80%, you need to find the 90th percentile.

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