Prep Club for GRE

Kudos given to other GRE Prep Club members

Andrew12498 owns 0 Kudos, gave away 177 Kudos.

CarcassWhich of the following is the least?15-Oct-2023
Bunuel{4^8 - 3^8}/{4^4 + 3^4}=15-Oct-2023
GeminiHeatIf 5a + 7b = k, where a and b are positive integers, what is the large15-Oct-2023
Sawant91Jack has a cube with 6 sides numbered 1 through09-Oct-2023
CarcassA die is rolled n times, where n is at least 3.08-Oct-2023
Carcassa > b > c > d and ab > 0 and ad < 008-Oct-2023
hudaThe probability of event X occurring is the same as the prob08-Oct-2023
CarcassSet A is comprised of all the even numbers between 0 and 20, inclusive08-Oct-2023
Carcassx=y^3 and y>108-Oct-2023
sandy216 = 2^x3^y x and y are integers.08-Oct-2023
sandya, b, and c are integers such that a < b < c.06-Oct-2023
CarcassThe sum of all the factors of06-Oct-2023
Carcass|a| > |d|06-Oct-2023
GREhelpS^2 + T^2 < 1-2st06-Oct-2023
Carcass–1 < a < 0 < |a| < b < 106-Oct-2023
Carcassx and y are positive integers such that x^25^y = 10,12506-Oct-2023
sandyThe positive integer a is divisible by 2 and 0 < ab < 1.06-Oct-2023
Carcass2^n + 2^n + 2^n + 2^n = 4^n+305-Oct-2023
Carcass0 < x < 105-Oct-2023
sandyGRE Math Challenge #22- The number of odd positive factors05-Oct-2023
Carcass130 < x < 15005-Oct-2023
CarcassThe probability that event A occurs and event B does not occ30-Sep-2023
Carcassx and y are positive integers such that30-Sep-2023
Carcassx is a positive integer. k is the remainder when [m]x^3-x[/m] is divid30-Sep-2023
CarcassThe integers x and (x - 1) are not divisible by 4.30-Sep-2023
CarcassThe sum of the consecutive integers from 2 to 1330-Sep-2023

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