Prep Club for GRE

Kudos given to other GRE Prep Club members

Carcass owns 37358 Kudos, gave away 26184 Kudos.

guthriescobeRe: A basketball player scores an average of 26.5 points per game for an 819-Oct-2021
rx10Re: The smallest human societies that we can identify19-Oct-2021
rx10Knowing the direction of his research would be condemned by his collea19-Oct-2021
dtlinh195Re: The football coach’s reputation for__________his players was well-dese19-Oct-2021
MidhileshRe: The magician, not immune to his own (i)__________daydreams in which hi19-Oct-2021
koalaRe: The magician, not immune to his own (i)__________daydreams in which hi19-Oct-2021
rx10The ratio of 16 to g is equal to ratio of g to 4918-Oct-2021
koalaRe: If the zoo currently has 80 total birds, what is the smalles18-Oct-2021
GreenlightTestPrepRe: A bin contains 20 cards numbered from 1 to 20. If two cards are drawn18-Oct-2021
dtlinh195Re: Frederico is going to try walk across the United States of America. He18-Oct-2021
dtlinh195Re: 3[2x + (3x + 4x)] - (5x + 2x)18-Oct-2021
GreenlightTestPrepRe: Of the 300 employees of a certain company, 65 are accountants. Two emp18-Oct-2021
GreenlightTestPrepRe: An anti aircraft gun can fire four shots at a time. If the probabiliti18-Oct-2021
GreenlightTestPrepRe: Frederico is going to try walk across the United States of America. He18-Oct-2021
GreenlightTestPrepRe: A card shop contains 5 birthday cards, 5 holiday cards, and 5 graduati18-Oct-2021
dtlinh195Re: A copy machine was used to produce two smaller versions of a rectangul18-Oct-2021
GokhulaKrishnanRe: Carol is three times Alice’s age but only twice as old as Betty. Alice17-Oct-2021
amorphousRe: Which is greater a+b or p+q17-Oct-2021
heinhtetRe: Of the 20 lightbulbs in a box, 2 are defective. An inspector17-Oct-2021
COolguy101Re: If j and k are even integers and j< k17-Oct-2021
rx10If √√√(3x) = 4√(2x), what is the greatest possible value of17-Oct-2021
ricky05Re: Although subjected to endless , she was unwavering in advocating her t17-Oct-2021
HarishKumarThe total number of liters of water in x tanks, each contai16-Oct-2021
HarishKumarA bonus of $450 plus a 9 percent increase in annual salary16-Oct-2021
rx10Re: Far from the cacophony bubbling out the 9th graders’ music room, the__16-Oct-2021
rx10A skilled though (i)__________speaker, the party chairman was lauded f16-Oct-2021
rx10Re: The butterfly’s (i)__________, though (ii)__________, allowed the ento16-Oct-2021
rx10Re: The ski resort employee was a pleasant mix of the__________and the urb16-Oct-2021
COolguy101Survery* of preferred method to obtain news, by age-group16-Oct-2021
HarishKumar(8)(16)(32)(64) =16-Oct-2021

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