Prep Club for GRE

Kudos given to other GRE Prep Club members

Carcass owns 37358 Kudos, gave away 26188 Kudos.

eskay1981Re: Katrina inherited a gold and diamond pendant from her grandmother in 205-Sep-2021
nskgreRe: Critical Reasoning05-Sep-2021
KarunMendirattaA square board with each side 5 in. is to be cut into pieces05-Sep-2021
KarunMendirattaAn equilateral triangle PAB is inscribed inside a square PQRS, forming05-Sep-2021
eskay1981Chat post link05-Sep-2021
rx10Chat post link05-Sep-2021
utkaarshbRe: If (900)(4, 000) = 360(100x ), what is the value of x?05-Sep-2021
KarunMendiratta7x^2 has two different prime factors05-Sep-2021
taskforceRe: Many surgeons continue to advocate (i) __________ analgesic treatment05-Sep-2021
GeminiHeatRe: If a supernova (the explosion of a massive star) triggered s05-Sep-2021
KarunMendirattaRe: 7x^2 has two different prime factors05-Sep-2021
GreenlightTestPrepRe: What number in base 10 is equivalent to 32405-Sep-2021
rx10Re: What number in base 10 is equivalent to 32405-Sep-2021
ScottTargetTestPrepGMAT vs. GRE A Visual Guide to the GMAT and the GRE05-Sep-2021
rx10Re: If the length of each of 'the sides of three square garden p05-Sep-2021
mnaveedRe: then the average of x, x^2, x^3, x^4.05-Sep-2021
mnaveedRe: f(x) = m where m is the number of distinct prime factors of05-Sep-2021
godxyzRe: If 0.018*10^r/0.0003*10^w=6*10^7, the r-w=04-Sep-2021
GreenlightTestPrepIf 0.018*10^r/0.0003*10^w=6*10^7, the r-w=04-Sep-2021
BrushMyQuantf(x) = m where m is the number of distinct prime factors of04-Sep-2021
BrushMyQuantRe: The discrimant of04-Sep-2021
KarunMendirattaRe: Point (a, b) is a lattice point in xy-plane where, a and b are integer04-Sep-2021
BrushMyQuantIf k is a multiple of 3 and k = (m2 )n, where m and n are prime number04-Sep-2021
BrushMyQuantIf 2^x3^y = 144, where x and y are positive integers, then04-Sep-2021
rx10Re: If 2^x3^y = 144, where x and y are positive integers, then04-Sep-2021
BrushMyQuantIf 2^13*9^7=3(6^k), what is the value of k?04-Sep-2021
rx10Re: If 2^13*9^7=3(6^k), what is the value of k?04-Sep-2021
mnaveedRe: QOTD#13 The figure above shows the standard normal04-Sep-2021
godxyzA and B were each paid $D in advance to do a certain job together04-Sep-2021

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