Prep Club for GRE

Kudos given to other GRE Prep Club members

Carcass owns 37370 Kudos, gave away 26194 Kudos.

adamlienRe: Triangle ABC is not equilateral, and ∠ABC = 60 degrees. Rev29-Sep-2020
nandeta92Re: Veteran screenwriters, aiming at creating a 120-page screenp29-Sep-2020
nandeta92Re: Praising a historian for factual accuracy in describing even29-Sep-2020
nandeta92Re: Each year, fires in the United States cause $ 12 billion in28-Sep-2020
GoonerRe: 3\sqrtx+3^x28-Sep-2020
nandeta92Re: Cars fueled by methanol have a much lower level of emissions28-Sep-2020
vndnjnRe: Triangles ABC, ACD, and ABD are all isosceles triangles. Poi28-Sep-2020
OC2910Re: If a regular polygon has x angles each measuring q degrees,28-Sep-2020
sukrut96Re: If a regular polygon has x angles each measuring q degrees,28-Sep-2020
vndnjnRe: A and B are the endpoints of a line segment. Segment AB is c28-Sep-2020
OC2910Re: In the figure above, what is the sum of x and y in terms of28-Sep-2020
vndnjnRe: In the figure above, what is the sum of x and y in terms of28-Sep-2020
vndnjnRe: In the hexagon above,∠A = 101°,∠E = 111°, and all other angl28-Sep-2020
sukrut96Re: In the figure above, AB is parallel to CD. Which of the foll28-Sep-2020
rishabhrbs96Re: In the figure above, AB is parallel to CD. Which of the foll28-Sep-2020
BrushMyQuantRe: In the figure above, if AD is parallel to BC, then ∠ADC =28-Sep-2020
abaskmRe: The Ultimate Guide to Destroy GRE Reading Comprehension28-Sep-2020
amorphousRe: compare exponents28-Sep-2020
amorphousRe: If and , what is b in terms of a ?28-Sep-2020
PIneappleBoy2Re: What is the value of x2 – 1 when 9x+ 1 = 27x– 1 ?28-Sep-2020
kaziselimRe: What is the value of 33a – 2 when a = 2? 16 52 79 697 72728-Sep-2020
mohan514Re: x > 028-Sep-2020
mohan514Re: 0.5^3 vs 5^328-Sep-2020
JeffTargetTestPrepRe: Mariko can knit 5 rows of a scarf in x minutes. If there are28-Sep-2020
HappyMathtutorRe: QOTD#28 A jar contains only marbles of three different color28-Sep-2020
GreenlightTestPrepRe: If a certain vitamin pill has 400 milligrams of magnesium28-Sep-2020
GreenlightTestPrepRe: A certain recipe calls for 2 cups of sugar and cups of flour28-Sep-2020
GreenlightTestPrepRe: b is a multiple of positive integer a.28-Sep-2020
dpraneeth10Re: Each year, fires in the United States cause $ 12 billion in28-Sep-2020
SubliminalRe: GRE Math Challenge #133-In the rectangular coordinate system28-Sep-2020

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