Prep Club for GRE

Kudos given to other GRE Prep Club members

GeminiHeat owns 3712 Kudos, gave away 1055 Kudos.

ankitg97Re: The societies in which shamanism has flourished have been small,22-Aug-2023
ankitg97Re: "I want to criticize the social system, and to show it at wo22-Aug-2023
ankitg97Re: To describe a style as Faulknerian or Beckettian or Nabokovi22-Aug-2023
CarcassA tenured art history professor at a major university recently asserte22-Aug-2023
CarcassRe: Thomas Hardy's impulses as a writer, all of which he indulge15-Aug-2023
CarcassRe: Occupations foster gender differences among workers12-Aug-2023
CarcassRe: Occupations foster gender differences among workers12-Aug-2023
CarcassRe: Occupations foster gender differences among workers12-Aug-2023
CarcassRe: Occupations foster gender differences among workers12-Aug-2023
CarcassRe: The societies in which shamanism has flourished have been small,11-Aug-2023
CarcassRe: The societies in which shamanism has flourished have been small,11-Aug-2023
CarcassRe: The societies in which shamanism has flourished have been small,11-Aug-2023
CarcassRe: The societies in which shamanism has flourished have been small,11-Aug-2023
CarcassThe societies in which shamanism has flourished have been small,11-Aug-2023
CarcassALL the GRE Quant and Verbal Practice Directories in ONE place (2023)08-Aug-2023
CarcassRe: New York stood at the center of the momentous processes that recast Am06-Aug-2023
CarcassRe: New York stood at the center of the momentous processes that recast Am06-Aug-2023
CarcassRe: New York stood at the center of the momentous processes that recast Am06-Aug-2023
CarcassRe: New York stood at the center of the momentous processes that recast Am06-Aug-2023
CarcassRe: New York stood at the center of the momentous processes that recast Am06-Aug-2023
CarcassNew York stood at the center of the momentous processes that recast Am03-Aug-2023
CarcassAlthough meningitis clone III-1 has caused hundreds of thousands03-Aug-2023
CarcassOccupations foster gender differences among workers02-Aug-2023
CarcassNatural selection is an immensely powerful yet beautifully simple theo01-Aug-2023
CarcassE. M. Forster is an Edwardian in point of time, and he is equally so i01-Aug-2023
CarcassIn Anglo-American formalism, surrealism was considered a deviant art m01-Aug-2023
CarcassRe: For the first time, funding for designing experiments to be conducted19-Jul-2023
CarcassComparing the Current and Shorter GRE® General Test19-Jul-2023
CarcassPolitical parties today are consciously non-ideological, but in the 1818-Jul-2023
CarcassIf m^2/18 and n^3/80 are integers, where m and n are positive integers17-Jul-2023

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