Prep Club for GRE

Kudos given to other GRE Prep Club members

GeminiHeat owns 3717 Kudos, gave away 1055 Kudos.

CarcassRe: The feminists of revolutionary France were not the only persons hoping12-Jul-2023
CarcassThe feminists of revolutionary France were not the only persons hoping11-Jul-2023
CarcassInsecticide Q is noteworthy both for its control of pests that attack09-Jul-2023
CarcassIf my colleagues and I are right, we may soon be saying good-bye to th05-Jul-2023
CarcassGRE Prep Club Members of the Month05-Jul-2023
CarcassRe: Scandals involving authors of memoirs have raised questions about how20-Jun-2023
CarcassRe: Scandals involving authors of memoirs have raised questions about how20-Jun-2023
CarcassRe: Scandals involving authors of memoirs have raised questions about how20-Jun-2023
CarcassRe: Scandals involving authors of memoirs have raised questions about how20-Jun-2023
CarcassRe: Scandals involving authors of memoirs have raised questions about how20-Jun-2023
CarcassScandals involving authors of memoirs have raised questions about how18-Jun-2023
CarcassThe Battle of Trafalgar in 1805 was, perhaps, the most important Briti18-Jun-2023
CarcassRealism in painting and sculpture often indicates an advanced degree18-Jun-2023
CarcassSome educators endorse the "look and say" method for teaching elementa17-Jun-2023
CarcassRe: Although spinach is rich in calcium, it also contains large14-Jun-2023
CarcassRe: Most literature is written such that the order of reading is unambiguo14-Jun-2023
CarcassRe: Male bowerbirds construct elaborately decorated nests, or bowers. Basi12-Jun-2023
CarcassRe: QOTD #6 While new census data reveals that unemployment12-Jun-2023
CarcassRe: QOTD #6 While new census data reveals that unemployment12-Jun-2023
CarcassThe Arnolfini Portrait, painted by Dutch artist Jan van Eyck05-Jun-2023
CarcassIt is a scientific fact that water is among the few substances that ex05-Jun-2023
CarcassThe first recorded example of what we would recognize as organized rel03-Jun-2023
CarcassRe: There is some evidence that where sign language was found am01-Jun-2023
CarcassRe: There is some evidence that where sign language was found am01-Jun-2023
CarcassThere is some evidence that where sign language was found am01-Jun-2023
CarcassRe: There is some evidence that where sign language was found am01-Jun-2023
CarcassRe: The Parthenon has long been regarded as one of the great29-May-2023
CarcassRe: The Parthenon has long been regarded as one of the great29-May-2023
CarcassMost literature is written such that the order of reading is unambiguo23-May-2023

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