Prep Club for GRE

Kudos given to other GRE Prep Club members

GeminiHeat owns 3712 Kudos, gave away 1055 Kudos.

CarcassResearchers, investigating the link between25-Apr-2023
CarcassRe: Researchers, investigating the link between25-Apr-2023
CarcassThe number of boys and the number of girls in a class is b and g respe17-Apr-2023
CarcassRe: Scientists are growing increasingly concerned that coral, which grows15-Apr-2023
CarcassRe: Scientists are growing increasingly concerned that coral, which grows15-Apr-2023
CarcassScientists are growing increasingly concerned that coral, which grows15-Apr-2023
CarcassRe: Scientists are growing increasingly concerned that coral, which grows15-Apr-2023
CarcassIf n is an integer and (3)^2n = 3^12n ,15-Apr-2023
CarcassThere is an anthropological theory that states that societies may be d12-Apr-2023
CarcassThere is an anthropological theory that states that societies may be d12-Apr-2023
CarcassThere is an anthropological theory that states that societies may be d12-Apr-2023
CarcassRe: There is an anthropological theory that states that societies may be d12-Apr-2023
CarcassThere is an anthropological theory that states that societies may be d12-Apr-2023
CarcassRe: A person is standing on a staircase. He walks down 4 steps,06-Apr-2023
BrushMyQuantRe: GRE MINI-Tests - Quant & Verbal13-Mar-2023
BrushMyQuantRe: GRE MINI-Tests - Quant & Verbal13-Mar-2023
BrushMyQuantRe: GRE MINI-Tests - Quant & Verbal13-Mar-2023
CarcassIt is no revelation that people prefer immediate rewards. What is less07-Mar-2023
CarcassIt is no revelation that people prefer immediate rewards. What is less07-Mar-2023
CarcassIt is no revelation that people prefer immediate rewards. What is less07-Mar-2023
CarcassIt is no revelation that people prefer immediate rewards. What is less07-Mar-2023
CarcassToward the end of the 19th century, many scientists thought that all t04-Mar-2023
CarcassComputer programs exist that attempt to generate random numbers, but n04-Mar-2023
CarcassRe: As a large corporation in a small country, Hachnut wants its managers01-Mar-2023
jonathantruongRe: In its heyday, modernism was taught in architecture schools as a moral01-Mar-2023
jonathantruongRe: In its heyday, modernism was taught in architecture schools as a moral01-Mar-2023
jonathantruongRe: In its heyday, modernism was taught in architecture schools as a moral01-Mar-2023
mashres15Re: In American Genesis, which covers the century of technological innovat23-Feb-2023
CarcassRe: Herbicides allow cereal crops to be grown very efficiently, with virtu18-Feb-2023
CarcassRe: If x is equal to the sum of the even integers from 40 to 60 inclusive,18-Feb-2023

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