Prep Club for GRE

Kudos given to other GRE Prep Club members

GeminiHeat owns 3717 Kudos, gave away 1055 Kudos.

rx10x = 10^10 - z, where z is a two-digit integer. If the sum of the digit05-May-2021
sandyRe: In 1970, company X had 2,000 employees, 15% of whom were04-May-2021
bloodstorm917Re: In 1970, company X had 2,000 employees, 15% of whom were04-May-2021
tapas3016Historical demographers have generally agreed on two interrelated feat04-May-2021
GreenlightTestPrepRe: Leila is playing a carnival game in which she is given 4 chances to04-May-2021
tapas3016GRE New Error Log with Ability and Accuracy UPDATED Version 2.004-May-2021
CarcassRe: Historical demographers have generally agreed on two interrelated feat04-May-2021
CarcassRe: One of the most curious structures in cellular biology is t04-May-2021
xdong99Historical demographers have generally agreed on two interrelated feat04-May-2021
MyGuruStefanGRE Pacing Strategies - Improve Your GRE Timing04-May-2021
tapas3016Paleoanthropologists have long believed that the growth of the human01-May-2021
tapas3016GRE - Incorrect Answer Choices Patterns in Reading Comprehension28-Apr-2021
CarcassRe: 4/x < -1/3, what is the range of x?28-Apr-2021
CozmoPBecause the livelihood of many citizens is linked to the man28-Apr-2021
CozmoPIn the third decade of the nineteenth century, Americans beg27-Apr-2021
rx10Re: If p^3 is divisible by 80, then the positive integer p must have at27-Apr-2021
tapas3016Liam is pulled over for speeding just as he is arriving at work. He27-Apr-2021
tapas3016Re: Columnist: The winner of this year’s national spelling bee won by27-Apr-2021
Ks1859The people of Prohibitionland are considering banning the service of26-Apr-2021
tapas3016Re: Recent studies of sediment in the North Atlantic’deep waters26-Apr-2021
CarcassIn general, current practice for inspecting cargo shipments of fruits25-Apr-2021
tapas3016Re: Because the livelihood of many citizens is linked to the man25-Apr-2021
tapas3016Re: Theorists are divided concerning the origin of the Moon. Som22-Apr-2021
tapas3016Re: A portrait type that appeared with relentless frequency in e22-Apr-2021
rx10Each bank in the town of La Rinconada has only a single set of locking22-Apr-2021
KarunMendirattaRe: At Supersonic Corporation, the time required for a machine to complete22-Apr-2021
CarcassRe: Every moral theory developed in the Western tradition purports to tell22-Apr-2021
rx10Re: The first mention of slavery in the statutes of the English21-Apr-2021
KarunMendirattaMartha takes a road trip from point A to point B. She drives x percent21-Apr-2021

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