Prep Club for GRE

Kudos given to other GRE Prep Club members

GeminiHeat owns 3717 Kudos, gave away 1055 Kudos.

GreenlightTestPrepThe sequence f(n) = (2n)! ÷ n! is defined for all positive integer06-Sep-2021
CarcassRe: g(x) is defined as the product of all even integers k such that 0 < k02-Sep-2021
rx10At a school fundraiser, each member of the AV club sold 2/3 as many31-Aug-2021
ScottTargetTestPrepThe Learning Phases of Preparing for the GRE28-Aug-2021
CarcassRe: At the beginning of year 1, an investor puts [m]p[/m] dollars into an27-Aug-2021
rx10Re: What is the greatest prime factor of 2^(10)*5^4 - 2^(13)*5^2 + 2^(14)?27-Aug-2021
HarishKumarRe: Objectively, of course, the various ecosystems that sustain16-Aug-2021
Ks1859Statistics over four consecutive years showed that four perc16-Aug-2021
jsmith97Re: Drug X, which kills on contact the bacteria that cause the infection11-Aug-2021
ScottTargetTestPrepTop 10 Causes of a Low GRE Score Compared to Your Practice Test Scores07-Aug-2021
CarcassRe: Nearly all adults in the community of Amaretti, including pregnant wom05-Aug-2021
CarcassRe: Two years ago Chapter Internet, the only internet provider in the coun04-Aug-2021
CarcassIn a certain university course, some of the students took their own ha04-Aug-2021
KarunMendirattaRe: A group of children start a mowing and raking team called Gardening Gu04-Aug-2021
KarunMendirattaIn the figure above, ABCD is a rectangle, and each of AP and CQ is per03-Aug-2021
Ks1859The 1960's witnessed two profound social movements: the civi02-Aug-2021
Ks1859The United States hospital industry is an unusua02-Aug-2021
CarcassAnthropologists once thought that the ancestors ⠀⠀⠀ 01-Aug-2021
GreenlightTestPrepRe: The infinitude of primes.29-Jul-2021
Ks1859Cognitive brain functions including sensory perception and control of29-Jul-2021
Ks1859Re: The final quarter of the nineteenth century marke28-Jul-2021
CarcassThe 80 Hardest Multiple Answer Choices Questions for the GRE Exam28-Jul-2021
CarcassThe post-World War II era marked a period of unprecedented energy agai27-Jul-2021
Jazzy007Re: In 1984, network television commercials accounted for 80% of all netwo27-Jul-2021
Ks1859The final quarter of the nineteenth century marke27-Jul-2021
Ks1859Re: Our police academy no longer requires its applicants to pass a physi24-Jul-2021
rx10Re: It has long been known that the rate of oxidative metabolism24-Jul-2021
Ks1859Re: Investigators of monkeys' social behavior have always been struck23-Jul-2021
cbrelaxRe: Gita, Hussain, Inge, Jeong, Karen, and Leila are seated in a row of21-Jul-2021

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