Prep Club for GRE

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BrushMyQuant owns 988 Kudos, gave away 9 Kudos.

zarishWhat is the smallest integer that is divisible by 4, 12, and 15 at the21-Jan-2025
BlitzkriegHow To Solve: Number and Sum of Factors of a number20-Jan-2025
CarcassRe: What is the remainder when (92n + 3)(5n ) is divided by 10, where n is16-Jan-2025
mellowmevThe integers x and y are both positive, the remainder when x is divide10-Jan-2025
BlitzkriegA sphere is inscribed in a cube with an edge of 10. What is the04-Jan-2025
mellowmevWhen the integer x is divided by the integer y, the remainder is 60.04-Jan-2025
GeminiHeatIf the scale model of a cube sculpture is 0.5 cm per every 1 m of the31-Dec-2024
GeminiHeatRe: Life expectancy is defined by the formula 2SB/G, where S = shoe size,31-Dec-2024
CarcassIf the scale model of a cube sculpture is 0.5 cm per every 1 m of the31-Dec-2024
CarcassRe: Life expectancy is defined by the formula 2SB/G, where S = shoe size,31-Dec-2024
CarcassRe: If u,x,y,and z31-Dec-2024
CarcassIf each number of a sequence is 4 more than the previous number, and31-Dec-2024
CarcassRe: If A_n = 7n 1, what is the units digit of A33?31-Dec-2024
CarcassRe: If a positive integer n is divided by 5, the remainder is 3. Which o27-Dec-2024
fuji1A sphere is inscribed in a cube with an edge of 10. What is the16-Dec-2024
TanmayeeGWhen the integer x is divided by the integer y, the remainder is 60.16-Dec-2024
CarcassRe: Function f(x) is defined as f(x)=1! + 2! + 3! + ...07-Dec-2024
CarcassFor what value of x the function f(x) defined ...07-Dec-2024
CarcassRe: If f(0.5) = 0, which of the following could be f(x)? (A) 2x03-Dec-2024
CarcassIf f(x) = x2 1, what is the value of f(y) + f(1)?03-Dec-2024
CarcassRe: If y = 4x + 10 and y = 7x 5, what is the value of y?30-Nov-2024
CarcassRe: If y = 4x + 10 and y = 7x - 5, what is the value of y?30-Nov-2024
CarcassRe: If y = 4x + 10 and y = 7x 5, what is the value of y?30-Nov-2024
CarcassFactors and Multiples Question Set (Easy-Medium)23-Nov-2024
kn1234Re: If k is the number of households with exactly 2 televisions, then the21-Nov-2024
CarcassRe: What is the average (arithmetic mean) of x, x 6, and x + 117-Nov-2024
PRVZRe: When a coin is flipped, the probability of getting heads is16-Nov-2024
phamngocvangiangGRE Quant - Functions and Custom Characters Theory13-Nov-2024
kn1234Re: If x * y represents the number of integers greater than x a30-Oct-2024
kn1234Re: What is the average (arithmetic mean) number of televisions per househ29-Oct-2024

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