Prep Club for GRE

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Carcass owns 37358 Kudos, gave away 26186 Kudos.

r1smithIf a group of students having an average age of 17 years join a class,07-Jan-2024
r1smithThe diagonal of a particular square is 7 inches. The diameter of a par07-Jan-2024
r1smithx=4/3 r^2h^207-Jan-2024
r1smithIn the figure above AB = BC = CD = 5 units and AD = 13 units07-Jan-2024
Jayz007In trapezium ABCD, AB || CD and AC = BD. If area of the trapezium is 607-Jan-2024
Jayz007In a cuboid with dimensions 5 × 10 × 10, what is the shortest distance07-Jan-2024
Jayz007In the figure above, ABCDEF is a regular hexagon. If area of ACE is 107-Jan-2024
ChukwujonasFor how many of the years shown did the ratings for Program07-Jan-2024
ChukwujonasThe store with the highest percentage of revenue from07-Jan-2024
Jayz007In the circle shown above O is the centre of the circle and AB is a ta07-Jan-2024
Biswajit999When a is divided by b the remainder is 13.When c is divided by d the06-Jan-2024
YB114Re: The societies in which shamanism has flourished have been small,06-Jan-2024
udayreddy13Re: Without more robust funding, the charitys goals will go unfulfilled;06-Jan-2024
Jayz007In the figure above, if ABCD is a parallelogram, what is the value of06-Jan-2024
Jayz007If in the triangle shown above all three interior angles are multiples06-Jan-2024
Jayz007x+y or 9006-Jan-2024
Jayz007In the figure above AB = BC = CD = 5 units and AD = 13 units06-Jan-2024
Jayz007The price of a vanilla candy is $x less than twice the cost of a choco06-Jan-2024
avocados19A clever form of diplomacy involves subtly inducing the other party to05-Jan-2024
avocados19Behavior economists found that the more (i)_____ options listed on the05-Jan-2024
nsieglerx=4/3 r^2h^205-Jan-2024
YkayonuThe ratio between the number of sheep and the number of horses at the05-Jan-2024
YkayonuThe ratio of two positive numbers is 3 to 4. If k is added to each num05-Jan-2024
mariagasIf x^2-2x-15=0 and x>0, which of the following must b equal to zero ?05-Jan-2024
Jayz007Automobiles manufactured in Country J used to sell for high prices bec05-Jan-2024
Biswajit999GRE Math Essentials - Factors, primes, multiples, & divisors05-Jan-2024
cbbarua007What is the probability of rolling a number less than 3 at l05-Jan-2024
YB114Re: O is the center point of the circle in the figure04-Jan-2024
elik9335In how many ways can 4 boys and 4 girls be arranged in a row04-Jan-2024
mariagasHow many zeros will the decimal equivalent of04-Jan-2024

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