| Giver | Post | Date |
| Subhan1999 | Gustave Le Bon has put forward the doctrine that the individual man, c | 01-Jul-2023 |
| Akil | QOTD # 6-7-8-9 What causes a helix in nature to appear with | 01-Jul-2023 |
| NerdyNut404 | A master of circumlocution, Hitchens writes with a spontaneous, unders | 01-Jul-2023 |
| NerdyNut404 | For a writer with a reputation for both prolixity and inscru | 01-Jul-2023 |
| Noov | In a given river, the current is 6 mph. A certain riverboat can travel | 01-Jul-2023 |
| piyush05 | For a writer with a reputation for both prolixity and inscru | 01-Jul-2023 |
| NerdyNut404 | Re: 0 < a < b/2 < 9 | 30-Jun-2023 |
| JenishaShrestha | In a decimal number, a bar over one or more consecutive digi | 30-Jun-2023 |
| Nayem117 | Re: If ab is positive and cde is negative, which of the following must be | 30-Jun-2023 |
| Noov | If n is a positive integer and n^2 is divisible by 72, then | 30-Jun-2023 |
| TusharM1998 | x > 1 | 30-Jun-2023 |
| piyush05 | The citizens' movement had, to no avail, __the government to concede t | 30-Jun-2023 |
| Subhan1999 | Without more robust funding, the charitys goals will go unfulfilled; | 30-Jun-2023 |
| UrveshBerry | |3 + 3x| < –2x | 30-Jun-2023 |
| ANANDKVVS | Academics, when locking rhetorical horns, can toss off the m | 30-Jun-2023 |
| ANANDKVVS | By nature , the poet Philip Larkin nonetheless maintained | 30-Jun-2023 |
| TusharM1998 | A chef has 10 spices available to season soups and uses no fewer than | 30-Jun-2023 |
| Cherubim131 | Re: Inflation isnt dead, only _____________; as the economy turns around, | 29-Jun-2023 |
| Cherubim131 | Romantic comedies of the 1950s were characterized more by sexual _____ | 29-Jun-2023 |
| Cherubim131 | Re: Romantic comedies of the 1950s were characterized more by sexual _____ | 29-Jun-2023 |
| Cherubim131 | Many people assume that creative work is less _______________ than man | 29-Jun-2023 |
| Cherubim131 | Re: Some boxers talk about trying to access their more _____________ selve | 29-Jun-2023 |
| Subhan1999 | At first, a still-life painting can appear quite (i)_______ | 29-Jun-2023 |
| Brian | Anthropology was much more than _____ for the novelist Zora | 29-Jun-2023 |
| Noov | It is (i) that the short story, regardless of its acclaim am | 29-Jun-2023 |
| Noov | Re: According to Lackmullers latest screed, published under the | 28-Jun-2023 |
| Noov | (i) _________ is unlikely to serve someone (ii) _________ by liars and | 28-Jun-2023 |
| Brian | Tooten County is populated by a significantly lower percenta | 28-Jun-2023 |
| Brian | Our manager holds as a that an employee with a messy desk is | 28-Jun-2023 |
| ashi1431998 | Re: Argument Task - Twenty years ago, Dr. Field, a noted anthropologist... | 28-Jun-2023 |