Prep Club for GRE

Kudos owned by the user

Carcass owns 37423 Kudos, gave away 26203 Kudos.

YashZRe: If each expression under the square root is greater than or equal to 025-May-2022
Aking08|x|y > x|y|25-May-2022
kundepriyanka011If the integer s is divided by 9, the remainder is 1.25-May-2022
Maverock246OG_VPR # At first glance Watkins Park, with its meandering s25-May-2022
Maverock246The vegetation at Stone Mountain, the best known of the larg25-May-2022
Maverock246Dreams are ________ in and of themselves, but, when combined25-May-2022
Maverock246The ex-minister's real crime, in the eyes of his ___________25-May-2022
Maverock246International financial issues are typically _____ by the Un25-May-2022
BoomBoomRe: If each expression under the square root is greater than or equal to 025-May-2022
DivitThe average (arithmetic mean) of 100 measurements is 23,24-May-2022
anigre1Ironically, Carver's precision in sketching lives on the edg24-May-2022
taskforceCurrent data suggest that, although (i) ___ states between f24-May-2022
RabinsonRe: In his 1976 study of slavery in the United States, Herbert G24-May-2022
jthor38Kendra is driving at a steady rate of 56 miles per hour.24-May-2022
bbPrep Club for GRE - Resource Center24-May-2022
Subham31Hampshire's assertions, far from showing that we can the anc24-May-2022
KevinramachaSandy is T years old, which is 4 times Sharon's age. In terms of T, af24-May-2022
is34nessThere are 3 black balls and 7 white balls in a box. If two balls are c24-May-2022
is34nessIf each expression under the square root is greater than or equal to 024-May-2022
is34nessO is the center of the circle, and24-May-2022
briannahuffOG_VPR # 5 The governor has considerable political talents,24-May-2022
EllieUkiA juice manufacturer has 1,200 liters of mango pulp in stock, 25 perce24-May-2022
EllieUkiFrom 2007 to 2008, a stock increased in value by 30%. From 2008 to 20024-May-2022
r1smithr, s, and t are the radii of three circular regions that hav24-May-2022
ENAnThe area of the shaded region24-May-2022
r1smithWhich is greater x - y or x + y/724-May-2022
r1smithP, Q, R, S, T, and U are points on the circle as shown.24-May-2022
ENAn|x-2| > 324-May-2022
ENAnThe area of the two shaded regions of the circle are equal.24-May-2022
ENAnLine M is y = 3x + 10. Line N is 2y = 5x- 6. Line P has a24-May-2022

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