Prep Club for GRE

Kudos owned by the user

Carcass owns 37398 Kudos, gave away 26199 Kudos.

GeminiHeatRe: Caffeine must be as beneficial for weight loss as exercise. After all,02-Apr-2022
GeminiHeatRe: Firms traditionally claim that they downsize (i.e., make permanent per02-Apr-2022
navyak98The city council of Greensville has passed a new law in an effort to r02-Apr-2022
GeminiHeatRe: In the 1980's, astronomer Bohdan Paczynski proposed a way of determini02-Apr-2022
GeminiHeatThe fact that superior service can generate a competitive advantage02-Apr-2022
taskforceThe diagram represents a rectangular garden. The shaded regi02-Apr-2022
taskforceA power station is located02-Apr-2022
Hari56A quality control analyst collected 200 measurements of leng02-Apr-2022
akash0698Re: What is the maximum number of 2-inch by 2-inch by 2-inch sol01-Apr-2022
navyak98It is given that @x01-Apr-2022
navyak98Which is greater 9.8 or \sqrt10001-Apr-2022
navyak98a, b, c are integers, such that a < b < c.01-Apr-2022
ssalamRe: OG_VPR # 24/25 Scientists formerly believed that the rocky p01-Apr-2022
DecayedEarthThe sociologist responded to the charge that her new theory01-Apr-2022
AkkuJiRe: 21/29 or 5/701-Apr-2022
prasoonk1Extensive housing construction is underway in Pataska Forest01-Apr-2022
skmsamuThe integer a is greater than 1 and is not equal to the squ01-Apr-2022
Chaithraln2499The company at which Mark is employed has 80 employees, each01-Apr-2022
MattM715Re: 1/0.001<(1/10)^n-401-Apr-2022
KevinramachaIf the head of a coin is worth 1 point and the tail is worth 2 points,01-Apr-2022
Chaithraln2499Eight hundred insects were weighed, and the resulting measur01-Apr-2022
Chaithraln2499GRE - Box-and-Whisker Plots01-Apr-2022
ANDAMAASIn district X, candidate T received how many more votes than01-Apr-2022
Eesha11If r = 2s and t = 3r, what is s in terms of t?01-Apr-2022
grallaRe: Argument Task - The following appeared as a recommendation by a commit01-Apr-2022
AkkuJiGRE - Permutation & Combination01-Apr-2022
DPanCar A and Car B are at the opposite ends of a straight road. Car A mov01-Apr-2022
RIFAT2000Reginald’s aunt was spry for her age but nonetheless required help i31-Mar-2022
VartikaMAn organism’s color can serve an adaptive function in numero31-Mar-2022

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