Prep Club for GRE

Kudos owned by the user

Carcass owns 35783 Kudos, gave away 25841 Kudos.

yosefCountry A and Country B will f09-May-2024
yosefEach of the pair of shoes available in a store is either Reebok or Adi09-May-2024
cbbarua007A class has 4 sections P, Q, R and S, with their average weights of th09-May-2024
yosefThe cost per pound of tea and coffee were the same in June. In July, t09-May-2024
bhupinder2457Without more robust funding, the charitys goals will go unfulfilled;09-May-2024
Nuttybro123Re: If |ab| > ab, which of the following must be true?08-May-2024
br123Exceedingly___________and only reliably produced by one mine in Austra08-May-2024
simrngGRE Quant - Special Triangles Theory08-May-2024
AdaguilIf my colleagues and I are right, we may soon be saying good-bye to th08-May-2024
br123The ______________ decision by the author to write the historical nove08-May-2024
Jrgreen100The area of a triangle with sides 6, 8, and 1008-May-2024
Jrgreen100At the atomic scale, all matter exhibits properties commonly associate08-May-2024
Jrgreen100The number of stray dogs picked up in Ford City last year by08-May-2024
br123In their landmark study of Victorian literature's re08-May-2024
gresumit340After Harold had endured weeks of his neighbors blaring music, his we08-May-2024
priyanka99Re: The Arc between region A and B is a quarter circLe. The Triangle08-May-2024
garciajeanmarcosIn college basketball, a player awarded a one-and-one gets to shoot08-May-2024
garciajeanmarcosOn the planned day of a picnic, there is a 40% chance of rain.08-May-2024
NelliRe: On July 1 of last year, total employees at company E was decreased by08-May-2024
simran2007Re: The evolution of intelligence among early large mammals of t08-May-2024
santosh8888If -5x+2y=9 and 3x-4y=-4, then what is the value of08-May-2024
simran2007Re: A class has 4 sections P, Q, R and S, with their average weights of th07-May-2024
yosef1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, . . .07-May-2024
rishabhmendA saving account offers 5%07-May-2024
rishabhmendResearchers measured the incubation times of 100 emperor pen06-May-2024
rishabhmendAn off-season discount of 10% is being offered at a store fo06-May-2024
Jrgreen100Lorenzo traveled 120 miles by automobile to visit his brothe06-May-2024
yosefx = 1/x-106-May-2024
yosefThe price of an item was increased by 20 percent. The new pr06-May-2024
yosefsqrt of 2014 + 2*(1+2+3+.....06-May-2024

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